Casey Anthony: Prosecution WILL REST TODAY
The Casey Anthony trial will resume today and it is believed that the Prosecution will rest after presenting a very strong case over the course of the last four weeks. Casey is accused of killing her 2 year old daughter, Caylee, suffocating her with duct tape and then dumping her body in the woods near the Anthony home, while the defense contends that Caylee drowned and Casey’s father George attempted to cover it up.
The state is awaiting the arrival of a witness and will resume this afternoon upon their arrival. This case against Casey seems air tight, with strong evidence presented, mostly surrounding the decomposing body of Caylee in the trunk of Casey’s car. Hair and air specialists along with eye witnesses with some experience with dead bodies have placed Caylee in the trunk of the car. The Defense argues that the smell could have been trash that was mishandled by detectives. This argument didn’t seem to create much doubt.
Casey’s history of lying has hurt her case immensely and the Prosecution has covered it very well. The cold demeanor of the accused is another thing that the Defense must overcome, but it seems like an unwinnable battle. Casey is facing the death penalty if convicted.