Meltdown in Murdoch Empire: WORLD NEWS UPDATE
There was a time when people ran in fear of Rupert Murdoch. And they were Prime Ministers and Presidents. In the UK some high ranking politicians were accused of being in thrall or in bed with the media mogul. Policy was created to appease the readers of one of his newspapers and we all knew the devil was in the room.
Since the revelations that his News of the World newspaper was involved in hacking into the phone messages of celebrities things became hard for his Empire. When they were found to have been involved in the hacking into of politicians and the Royal Family we became outraged. When it was revealed that the newspaper may have been involved in paying police officers for stories we became incredulous. When we heard that people who had been engaged by the News of the World had hacked into the phone messages of an abducted child and DELETED messages making the family believe that the child WAS STILL ALIVE when she had been sickeningly murdered we became sickened ourselves.
Murdoch has dropped his attempt to buy BSkyB in the UK and closed down the News of the World after over 100 years of the paper supplying news on a Sunday. The people responsible seem to be soldiering on for Murdoch. The ordinary workers – about 4/500 ordinary workers who did not know what was being done “in their name” – will become unemployed and pay for a policy that many have denied and few have stood up to explain. The Evil Empire will march on but the next time you buy from the Murdoch Empire have a thought. Make it Milly Dowler and her family. Milly is the schoolgirl who was brutally murdered and wonder how the news report you are reading managed to get itself there…