RingSide Report

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By Geno McGahee

We’ve had some time to digest the verdict of not guilty in the Casey Anthony murder trial. Casey, 25, was accused of killing her two year old daughter, Caylee, and hiding her body. The contention was that she missed her partying lifestyle, saw Caylee as the reason why she was no longer having the fun she used to have, and eliminated her. From the media reports, namely Nancy Grace, this seemed like an open and shut case, but Casey walked, and now we’re beginning to see why.

There is a persistent rumor that a computer expert did not give accurate testimony when speaking of the chloroform searches on the Anthony computer. There is evidence that there were not 84 searches for the word, which is an incredible claim, and one that could get all involved in the Prosecution of Casey into a world of trouble.

Nancy Grace has been taking some lumps lately with her coverage of the Anthony trial. She is a very opinionated “journalist” that presents the facts in a way that supports her case, and that is the problem. Many of the photos of Casey partying mixed with the video and photos of Caylee painted the picture that we had a party girl that killed an innocent. Very few images of the loving Casey were shown because the villain was created and the bad guys always sell better.

As a parent, I am like the majority of the population that wants justice for Caylee. It’s sickening when somebody so young dies, especially when it is murder, but that is a question. Caylee drowning and George Anthony covering it up seems incredibly far-fetched, but the Prosecution seemed to push it too far themselves. I think their approach was too strong.

Casey’s behavior when her daughter was missing was incredibly suspicious. Her continual lying is very troublesome, and when you just look at the 31 days that Caylee was missing and wasn’t reported, along with what Casey was doing and her lies, it looks incredibly bad. I was in the majority that looked at these facts and thought guilty. OJ Simpson’s behavior prior to being arrested was terrible and painted a terrible picture, but in the end, as in the Anthony trial, if they cannot prove it 100%, if there is some reasonable doubt, then you can’t convict.

Casey Anthony is currently in hiding, away from her family, away from the public, and currently regrouping. She faces multiple lawsuits and death threats, and will have a rough go of it for some time to come. She may also financially benefit from it, which may increase her chances of a crazed stalker attacking her or trying to hurt her. No matter what, and no matter if you like this or not, she is NOT GUILTY. It is our system and we have to live with it. We weren’t in the courtroom and we didn’t hear everything. With the shady prosecution witnesses coming forward now, perhaps the jury smelled a rat and that pushed the verdict.

The Casey Anthony story continues….

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