Casey Anthony WAS GUILTY: Nancy Grace & the Evidence That Would Have Put Her Away
Casey Anthony remains a hot topic with the public. Much of the public still contends that she got away with murder, while others believe that the system got this one right. When the verdict came in of “Not Guilty,” Casey became a free woman and avoided a death sentence, something that seemed like a certainty to many that watched the case transpire.
Nancy Grace remains vocal about the subject, pointing out the errors in the case, noting the things that could have made a huge difference in the case, things that would have put Casey away for murder, a charge that many contend that she is guilty of.
The five pieces of evidence that Grace points to are:
-A jailhouse video that shows Casey collapsing when she discovered that the police were searching for Caylee’s body.
– An allegation that Casey wanted to put Caylee up for adoption.
– A fight with Cindy, her mother, the night before Caylee disappeared.
– A reported confession in Casey’s diary.
– Testimony from two people that claim that Casey said that she used chloroform to kill her daughter.
Grace continues to fight the good fight, but Casey is a free woman in reported talks with a TV show producer and several others, ready to capitalize on her celebrity status. The Casey Anthony story continues and will be the subject of debate for months and years to come.