RSR Weekly Message Board Update
By Mike “Rubber Warrior” Plunkett
Change is in the air and by that I mean more than just the pending seasonal change that so many of us in the northern hemisphere anticipate. Shortly change will be the reality for the Ringside Report message boards. The recent update to our site profile was in fact a precursor to the soon to be realized new look the various forums will have, and trust that this will be more than just a shave, shoe-shine and a haircut. Updated features will enable you the user, to tap into our sports pipeline in quicker, more trick fashion. Watch for our new discussion forums along with some of the old favorites such as our General and Classic Boxing. Keep an eye open for our updated forums. We’re sure that the new features and layout will enhance your ringside experience like never before.
A quiet week in boxing only underlined the standings for the RSR February Prediction League established in my last update. Still leading the pack, OKMike need only pray that over the remaining twelve bouts listed on this month’s roster, those that are only but a few points behind and poised for a late surge, peter like the late-career variant of Oscar De La Hoya, thus enabling him to follow-through on a win that right now looks to be a lock. For those of you that are not currently a member of RSR and would like to take part in the various forums and fight polls, or put your powers of pugilistic prognostication to the test in the soon to be posted March 2010 Prediction League, act now using the link to submit your request.
Contact Mike “Rubber Warrior” Plunkett To Sign Up For The RSR Message Board and Join In On The Fun