Packy’s World: Bruce Jenner SHOCKER, Marcus Lemonis “The Profit”, Amir Khan Vs Floyd Mayweather, JR & The Chutzpah Award
By Packy “Boom Boom” Goldstein
Oy Vay are you going to hear it today….
Bruce Jenner… OK look, not my cup of tea folks, but who is he or she really bothering? No one! Of course Packy will never get his “Twig and Bagels” cut off, but who am I to judge Jenner nor for that matter, who are you? We have so many problems in the world and things we need to focus our attention on. Enough said…
Marcus Lemonis…. Tuesday night my Sadie knows to leave her “Boom Boom” alone because I am pinned to the TV watching my weekly dose of Marcus Lemonis on his hit show “The Profit”. Lemonis, reminds me so much of Al. Oh how my wonderfully missed friend could bring people together in business and create an atmosphere of fun and lots of laughter while achieving amazing things. Marcus is a modern day Alvin Berkwitt for sure. If you don’t watch the show, you must give it a try.
Amir Khan… He has as much chance of beating Floyd Mayweather, JR. as my almost 85 year old putz staying up for more than three minutes. Oy Vay. Amir Khan at best, is a B- minus fighter. Floyd, whether you like him or not, is an A+ even at his advanced age. I am going on record to say for his Swan Song let’s put him in there against Gennady “GGG” Golovkin at a catch weight that they can both agree on. Will it happen? Probably not, but my bagels would love it for sure…
The Chutzpah Award…. It goes to my main man Marcus Lemonis for his tough love, fantastic business sense, true caring and hosting one of the best shows on TV today.
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