Taco Bell’s Shocking Ingredients Exposed
A lawsuit filed recently by the Montgomery, Alabama-based law firm Beasley Allen, is contending that Taco Bell, a popular Mexican fast food eatery is not using “beef” for their “beef tacos,” and that appears to be the case.
The USDA defines meat as something that consists of at least 40 percent of actual meat (flesh of animals), but Taco Bell’s “beef” is at the 36 percent mark, according to reports, and that has people screaming: “Where’s the beef?” It also has the customers wondering just what they’ve been eating all of these years. Thankfully, nobody has screamed “Soylent Green is made out of people” yet.
“Rather than beef, these food items are actually made with a substance known as ‘taco meat filling,’ ” the lawsuit says.
With 36% actual beet, the remainder of the Taco Bell’s meat filling product consists of “extenders” like water, “Isolated Oat Product,” wheat oats, maltodrextrin, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent, autolyzed yeast extract, modified corn starch, sodium phosphate and silicon dioxide. Still hungry?
All these years Taco Bell has had the reputation of presenting less than great food to the people and now the plot thickens and this may force the eatery to raise the standards and actually present meat instead of some strange mix, heavily flavored with taco seasoning to give the appearance of real beef.