RingSide Report

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Supreme Court and Attorney General KO Trump Clan…

By Janet Grace

Hi, Beautiful People!

Wassaaap? I couldn’t be happier with recent news.

There I was, blasting Led Zeppelin’s, “Immigrant Song” as I rolled down the highway when suddenly, the news came on talking about all things Supreme Court putting the kabosh on Trump’s bid to keep Capitol attack documents from ever seeing the light of day. I was so delighted.

This means that the group reviewing the attack on our nation’s Capitol can continue their work, UNLESS THE REPUBLICANS TAKE BACK THE HOUSE IN NOVEMBER. I’ll get back to that in a few seconds.

The second most wonderful news I heard is that New York Attorney General, Leticia James, hot on the heels of TFG and his Gruesome Threesome, is getting closer and closer to slamming that metal prison door behind the filthy grifters.

Her exact words, ringing musically in my ears, were: “significant evidence”. She’s talking about fraud, their specialty, which should also be all of their middle names.
Here’s hoping that Lady Luck will side with the present administration and that the “significance” can turn into arrest warrants in their names, with a swift justice court case they lose, and sentencing in the “nevah gonna see the light o’ day again, Bitches” range, soon to follow. Ivanka, get ready! That’s the show I want to see.

Now, getting back to having all of these delicious nuggets delivered to us on a silver platter. Listen up, closely. Especially, those of you who are sitting back doing: Nothing.
This election is just as important as the presidential election was in 2020. If the “Dizzy Dems” lose the house to the fkng Grift-o-matic Re-Thug Fools, we’re screwed. The Thugs will shut down the investigation to The January 6th Insurrection, before they disassemble what’s left of democracy.

Choose, guys!

Are you going to be adopting a candidate and helping him win by making calls, stuffing envelopes, working at a polling booth? Now is the time to reach out to any good candidate and back his, her, their campaign all the way to the seat.

I’m including a link at here to Ballotpedia, so that you can take a look at the catastrophe in the making, should you just read this article and keep on truckin’, making no effort to ensure that these freaking Dems, which are our only opportunity to continue having America be a democratic republic, actually get elected.

I’m an Indy voting Dem ‘cuz of the obvious, but I’m not too delighted about the “support” we are receiving from the “I’m too gentle for this job” Dems. I wish they would take off the white gloves and put on a set of brass balls. Looking at you, Chuckeroo!

Whether it’s a candidate up for re-election or a newbie, trying out for the part, please align your support with them and assist by making calls or texting messages to voters. Whatever you decide to do, come out with your boxing gloves on and guard your face.

Okey dokes! That’s it from me. Enjoy Ballotpedia.

“United States Senate elections, 2022 – Ballotpedia

I invite all my readers to subscribe to my show: Janet Grace: Inside The Mind Of Me Podcast Show on YouTube.

JG )O(

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