RingSide Report

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Response to Nikki Slusher’s Ringside Report Article On Kim K.

By Joyce Davis

Nikki I read your fantastic article on Ringside Report on Kim Kardashian and I wanted to respond.

I am not someone who kept up with the Kardashians’ per say, but they were very well talked about in the media. I agree with you that her telling women “It seems like nobody wants to these days.”; referring to women working is a slap in the face. So many women are doing the best they can to put food on the table working and with three jobs. I also acknowledge all that you have done. Graduating during a pandemic is no small feat. I stand up and applaud you.

I was inspired by your article and I would like to come to Kim’s defense. Kim has lived her life on a reality tv show; while simultaneously building that brand through social media. She was not the first one who made a sex tape. Hello Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. She was however the first to build a brand around what others would shy away from. As you said there is no shame in sex. She sold her brand to companies on various social media platforms which helped to reinforce her as a ‘Guru’ of what’s current.

I believe that she was talking to those many women out there who think Instagram or Tik/Tok is a way to make money. They badly want to be like Kim, not realizing she left off the fame of Brandy’s brother, and never looked back after she made a name for herself and her family. They think by being on social media all day like she was, they can become a star like she did. They feel they should not work because they have to do content all day in order to be seen.

Also, if you believe that actors work hard for their money then you have to believe the same about Kim and her family. No one can tell me that they did not work off some kind of script. The name itself played off the term keeping up with the Jones. Fantastic marketing. They also made them heroes to millions of people. Now everything they put out becomes everything everybody has to get in order to keep up with the new Jones.

In Kim’s mind she is providing positions for women who would not necessarily have a chance. She is also using her ‘power’; if you will, to help women in need. Like Alice Johnson. She recently passed the baby bar in hopes to be a lawyer to help others the same way.

You are 100% right. She doesn’t know what working business women go through. She was never ever in the struggle, not once. However, I tell her to tell people how something she did that would shame other people, she used to become a millionaire’ oh wait I mean billionaire. People can learn from that. Too many of us let one source of shame keep us down in life. She will never be a hero to me but she is to millions of little girls. I am glad that they see her try to be a better person. I hope it will rub off.