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60 Seconds with Artist Lieuwe van Gogh

Exclusive interview by Karen Beishuizen

We all know Vincent van Gogh. A world-famous name. There is a painter in Amsterdam with the same last name: Lieuwe van Gogh. He is 30 years old and yes, here it comes: a direct descendant of Vincent. His father was film director Theo van Gogh. Lieuwe’s art is colorful and funky. Let’s find out more about him.

KB: You are carrying a very famous last name: what inspired you to take up painting?

For me its a fun way to express my feelings and I was always into drawing my whole life. Inspired by Dragon Ball Z. (Check out Wikipedia for more info) Anime in general is my favorite. The last 4 years I developed a special painting technique, where I am very happy about. Also, I worked in restaurant for 10 years, and switching career path was very necessary.

KB: Can you describe your paintings?

My paintings have a Angry tone but with bright and joyful colors. I like dark humor. For example in My killing Bambi paintings, Bambi is taking revenge voor killing his mother, like a Rambo figure. I don’t work with brushes. First I will sketch my idea with a pencil and after that I work with paint in bottles and drip the paint along the contours of my sketch.

KB: What are they about? Is there a main theme?

Pink is my favorite color. So you will see a lot of bright pink on my paintings. I paint a lot of animals, predators like Sharks, crocodiles and Snakes. I was once bit by a poisonous snake on a dirt road in Thailand. A Thai man found me and brought me to a doctor, I was very lucky cause I almost died. But also I like to paint dogs, horses and monkey’s. I like to make fun of dictators like Kim Jong-Un. Death is also a main theme, you will see skulls, fighters, hookers and Demons and some childhood hero’s like Bert and Ernie, Harry Potter, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Omar Little (character in the Wire series) Most of the time its chaos in my head so I will paint what ever pops up.

KB: Your paintings look aggressive yet very colorful: is this intentionally?

Yes, I like dark humor, so instead of painting evil and death in dark colors, I like to enlighten it with bright colors.

KB: Which painters inspire you? You have a favorite?

Shohei, Otomo. He is a Japanese artist who draws realistic drawings with a pen. I love his art, it is what it is. Check him out.

KB: What is the story behind your Giraffe series? (I love the paintings!)

When I saw the NFT Bored Apes, I thought this could be much more funky’er. So my answer to those bored apes are my colorful giraffes. Also I want to ride that NFT wave while it’s still hot and happening. I like that digital aspect. At the end, Everybody should have a one Uptown Funk giraffe in their home, to brighten their life.

KB: Do you have other ambitions besides painting? Maybe going into film making like your dad?

We will see what happens. I am open for new things, but for now I will focus on making my funky art.

KB: Do you have any exhibitions coming up where your work will be on display? Are they in a gallery where the public can see and buy your work?

We are working on a big launch event, where I will introduce my work and myself to the world. It will take place in a few months in Amsterdam. At the moment 10 paintings are on display in the What Is Happening Here Gallery in Amsterdam, Reguliersdwarsstraat 73, 1017BK Amsterdam. (The gallery is on Instagram. Check out their website).

You can find my art on my website: HERE

My instagram: @vangoghlieuwe and @ladmodernart