RingSide Report

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Ed Sheeran Wins…

By Janet Grace

It is my personal belief that if one is not using the gifts of the gods, those gifts and The Muses from whence they’d emerged, gather their belongings and proceed on to find other souls vibrating within their reach who will hear their gifts and rightfully, accept, use and multiply them.

This is what I believe may have happened and why Ed and his fellow co-writers, John McDaid and producer, Steven McCutcheon, were initially sued by a fellow named Sami Chokri, A.K.A., Sami Switch, who’s 2015 tune: “Oh, Why”, most likely gifted to him by the Muses, seemed to be a dead-ringer for Ed’s 2017 hit, “Shape of You” and thus, must’ve been stolen from Sami by nefarious means. No, not necessarily.

Now, we like facts and science, yes?

So, how come it’s so far fetched to believe that we, vibrating beings, who have by now, most likely amassed the use of; perhaps, 25-30% of our brain’s unlimited capacities and becoming, brighter, faster, smarter with every new generation born wi-fi ready … why is it hard to believe that another person can bump into your five out of twelve possible sound variations of a song that “came to you” from out of the blue, probably? Yeah, that’s how it happens.

It happens more than not. Well, it has for me in the last fifty plus years that I’ve been writing. ‘I knew it was good’, is what I’ve thought each time. I’m glad they’ve been brought to life and I dance to them nonetheless. If these were sculptures, one would be able to recognize the nuancés, differences of each individual work of art. No one would be saying: That’s MY Michelangelo! I made him first.

I celebrate the courts decision. There are too many artists crying into their cheerios about having work ripped off, when the actual culprits live amongst the stars and are lending you a few of their many diamonds to wear with your present skin suit.

Surely that was not your only inspiration? If that match was used already, move on and light another.

Ed posted the following twitter vid stating: “Whilst we’re obviously happy with the result, I feel like claims like this are way too common now and have become a culture where a claim is made with the idea that a settlement will be cheaper than taking it to court, even if there is no basis for the claim.”

United Kingdom High Court Judge, Antony Zacaroli’s, final ruling was that Ed, John and Steven, “neither deliberately nor subconsciously” used a phrase from Sami’s “Oh Why” when writing “Shape of You.”

In a combined statement, the writers said this: “It is so painful to hear someone publicly and aggressively challenge your integrity.” “It is so painful to have to defend yourself against accusations that you have done something that you haven’t done, and would never do.”

That’s the truth right there. You see, writing is a very personal, holy, sacred gift that comes from within. The truly talented have an appreciation, wisdom, knowledge, gratitude and grace. It’s that grace which allows them to receive Muses words, melodies, ideas. To use another’s without permission is sacrilege. We would never dream of it, but we also understand that these gifts are borrowed. They breathe their own life. They belong to no one and everyone, like the air, the breeze, laughter, love.
Congratulations , Guys. Brava!

Peace, Out, Y’all.
JG )O(