RingSide Report

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The Story of David

By Radical Rhymes

No, this is not a Biblical epic, nor is it even about a human being. In fact, it’s hard to write anything now as I fully intended my last article to be my last. But something touched me deeply yesterday and I feel compelled to share it.

It happened, as many profound things do, completely by accident. I’d been watching at the snooker while painting and the stream ended without my noticing. The BBC site then decided that I should watch a wildlife program called Dynasties presented by the incomparable David Attenborough.

My first instinct was to turn it off, but on a whim, I let it play.

The first episode was about Chimpanzees. Well, I LOVE chimpanzees, so I stopped what I was doing and began to watch. It was really a political soap opera, and a fascinating one. David was the central character, the alpha male of the group who’d been in power since he’d been a teenager.

SPOILER ALERT – if you want to watch the episode stop reading now…

Anyway, as the story unfolded it became clear that David’s grasp on power was slipping. This was partly due to a glut of males coming into their prime, partly due to several females becoming fertile, and partly due to the tensions caused by a lengthy drought.

Sensing his vulnerability, David decided to enlist the help of an older chimp with no pretensions to leadership. Kael. Together they just about managed to restore order, but the dissent continued to rumble one.

On returning to film the troop, the crew found David had been deposed. He’d been savagely attacked and left for dead. His wounds were shocking, and he was, it seemed, too weak to move. Although some of the females wanted to comfort him and tend his terrible wounds, they also needed to go to the only water source, which was over six miles away.

Left on his own, I truly thought, as everyone watching must have, that David was doomed. He lay there for some time, alone in his agony and humiliation, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t shed some tears at his fate.
It was obviously hopeless.

But then… Against all odd David hauled himself up, by sheer dint of will. He gorged himself on anything and everything he could find to restore his strength, and then he walked the six miles, carrying injuries that would undoubtedly kill most humans, to find his troop.

Now, that was miracle enough in my eyes. What an effort, what a cast iron will. What a chimp! Incredible. It never, ever occurred to me that he was going back to reclaim his leadership. But that is exactly what he was doing.

Unable to challenge the new leader, Luther, his only play was to make himself as big and intimidating as he could, to intimidate his way back to the top. To say that I was frightened for him would be a colossal understatement. Yet he pulled it off! Luther ran away without a blow being exchanged! David was back on top.

And he kept on bluffing. His displays became more powerful, while all the time he was sloping off to eat more and heal more quickly. At the same time David doubled down on alliances, he enlisted the help of a bunch of older males unlikely to challenge him. He created his own private army.

At a time when I’ve been really struggling, David’s story came to me like a body blow, an almost physical strike of hope. If he could come through all that, then what right have I to despair and give up?

His reign won’t last, I know that. Any more than his lesson will nourish me forever. But that isn’t really the point, the point for me is that clinging on to something in the moment is the only way to pull yourself through the tough times. That is the best means to keep going when all feels lost.

Thank you so much, David! Long live the King!

Radical Rhymes is a professional artist working with a range of media – predominantly animal/human portraits and landscapes – including, most recently, hand painted furniture. You can see his work on Instagram Radicalrhymes1969 or on Twitter @RhymesRadical.

For commissions, please contact him on Twitter via Direct Message or by email at: radicalrhymes@outlook.com His work is also available to buy on Etsy