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President Biden Takes On Republicans At State Of The Union

By Nikki Slusher

President Biden gave his State of the Union speech on Tuesday. Not only did the president deliver a powerful message, he simultaneously also took on Republicans regarding Social Security.

When I tell you all that President Biden did not show up to play games I mean it. As he read off Sen. Rick Scott’s own plans for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security the obnoxious Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) stood up and yelled “liar.” Her outbursts are no longer shocking since she does it constantly, but you’d think she’d learn by now that she can never one up President Biden. “Anybody who doubts it, contact my office. I’ll give you a copy. I’ll give you a copy of the proposal,” Biden responded to the shouts of “liar.”

As Biden continued to read Scott’s plan to make changes to “entitlement” programs that would affect millions of Americans, with push back from Congress Republicans the president swiftly opened up to discussion. “So, folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right? They’re not to be touched?” Biden shot back. “All right. All right. We got unanimity.”

In the words of my favorite TikToking Congressman Rep. Jamaal Bowman, “Mr. President, that was awesome!” The debate reflects one that Democrats and Republicans have been going back and forth upon when it comes to the nation’s budget and debt ceiling. Maybe the only way to hold these conversations means sending in the top dog to handle the petulant congress members like the bratty children they are.

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