RingSide Report

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“Canine Columnist”: I’m Woke and I’m Proud of It!

By Santino Corleone Berkwitt

Good afternoon morning! After a long hiatus and a good night’s rest, I feel wonderful. It’s nice to join the community of individuals who are engaged in our everyday activities. Sure, I enjoy sleep. Sometimes I dream about fun things like going on car rides and running on a beach with Bella. One night I dreamt that Bella and I ate so many pup cups at Culver’s that we literally got tired of eating them. I didn’t think that was possible. We were eating, enjoying every lick. Unfortunately, a delivery driver rang the doorbell and interrupted my dream. I was suddenly awakened to reality.

I was up.

While I was disappointed with being awakened, reality is that it was just a dream. While pleasant while sleeping, it wasn’t real. It was just something embedded in my thoughts, I was not actually experiencing it. It wasn’t happening.

I mention this because last week I heard a pit bull telling Bella that she was woke. My initial response was “Yes she is! What’s your point?” I reacted that way because he was saying it like it was something bad. I truly didn’t understand his feeble attempt at being insulting. We were all woke- dealing with day to day life, seeing things as they actually are, experiencing reality. We were not in a state of denial or imagination. While everything going on that day wasn’t pleasant, it was real. And the fact that we were woke means that we could really enjoy our pup cup, we could really go for the car ride, but it also meant that we really had to deal with the pit bull too. I guess we have to take the good with the bad.

What the pit bull doesn’t understand is that sometimes being asleep as opposed to being awake can be dangerous. If your house is on fire, would you rather be asleep or woke? If your car ran into a body of water, would you rather be asleep or woke? If you were on the vacation of a lifetime and you were on your favorite ride, would you rather be woke and able to enjoy the experience, or would you rather be sleeping, with the experience being just a dream?

In life we individually and collectively will experience difficulties. We will have things that bring us joy and we may have things that bring us pain. It is better to be in a position of being fully aware of the circumstances. If people are being mistreated, being denied basic human rights, or are being bullied and someone takes a stand against the mistreatment, who in their right mind would consider this a bad thing? Our society is healthier and more cohesive when everyone is embraced. Showing compassion, kindness, and humanity are desirable qualities that we should all embrace and seek to emulate. And if a pit bull or a person calls you “woke” for being a good person, then let them be! I would rather be a woke pup or person than an emotionally comatose jagoff any day!

Click Here to Order Boxing Interviews Of A Lifetime By “Bad” Brad Berkwitt