RingSide Report

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Donald Trump & Boris Johnson Facing a Reckoning…

By Donald “Braveheart” Stewart

As I sit in my Kailyard I often wonder about the future.

I ne’er saw a foul thing cleanly…

This week coming is going to be one where two liars, allegedly, come to seek their retribution or they are going to be shown up for the scoundrels they are.

Donald Trump claims he shall be arrested when he comes to Washington on Tuesday and former British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson faces politicians wanting to know what happened during our lockdown when he was partying at Number 10 Downing Street in complete defiance of the laws and rules and guidelines imposed – allegedly.

Trump and Johnson are friends – not allegedly. I would trust neither of them and the processes in which they are engaged are foul.

But they deserve the benefit of the doubt before their evidence is heard and people can make a judgment. Both are skilled in sending out signals to people that they wish in some part to get their retaliation in first. There may even be some unrest in the capital when Trump arrives.

I winder if Marjorie is looking out her outfit. May I suggest something in a fetching orange that allows you to jump suit to another right wing bigot if Trump gets what many believe he deserves.

Over here, Johnson is seen as less of a cult hero than just a lucky populist clown who worked out what people wanted, promised them it and then f ailed to deliver it – why? – because it was impossible. People want the impossible. It also gets you elected if you promise it. The problem is that once you are elected people expect you to deliver. Johnson was no postal service worker…

There is, however a more serious point here. The United Kingdom and the United States of America are democracies. Based on the rule of law and a variety of free speech based legal frameworks. These freedoms have been fought for and people have given their lives to defend them. We have in both countries a proud record of ensuring that people can say what they want as long as it is respectful and they should not be judged until they have chance to defend themselves. The rule of law and the role of the judiciary is known to us all. We all abide by it, unless you drink the You Tube Kool Aid which is Sovereign Citizenship – and we want the memory of veterans who gave their lives for our freedoms to be upheld – even in the face of the likes of these two…

I have my own views on each of these two figures and I have my own views over what should be done with each of them. They shall appear this week in a form of court, and they shall be judged. We shall be the people who shall judge them and we should not be found wanting…

Perhaps the most sinister element of all of this is the trope being used by Trump that he wants people to engage in taking back their country. During COVID and lockdowns, Johnson became really adept at putting together slogans of three elements which built upon the simplicity of Taking Back Control of our Borders used during the BREXIT referendum. Such short and pithy slogans seem to work. They seem to both epitome the amount of time their supporters spend upon their understanding of things and the depth of their language knowledge.

No matter how much I may be flippant about these slogans they are effective. People see them, listen to them and obey. Sometimes there are some who question them and whether they be from the left or the right, and both can be highly critical, they tend to ask the wrong questions. There is an inbred (I use the term advisedly) skepticism. Rather than ask for, and study the evidence behind them, they just criticize in terms of it being about control. Ironically, on the right at least, they very quickly fall into line once the person espousing the slogan is identified as a trusted source. So, when Trump says it, those who voted for him and wonder why others cannot see the genius in him, fall in step with the nonsense unquestioningly.

This week he shall appear to take questions on Stormy Daniels and his alleged pay off. Many believe there is something illegal in what he did. In a quick run over the evidence, it is hard not to disagree with that assessment. Johnson shall sit in front of his peers and be questioned over some dubious pronouncements he made which are contradicted by the evidence we have that he did, unquestionably break his own rules. Many believe their own eyes and the accounts of others – rather than his versions – there are a few, but not too few to mention. It remains to be seen if he regrets any.

The greatest regret we shall have is either of these two geta way with what they did. Tragedy is an event causing great suffering. Both Trump and Johnson are guilty of that already, the question is, shall democracy now compound that by letting them off the hook. We await and wonder, filled with hope that they say it is not so.

A view from the new Kailyard or, how you look over there, from over here…

(Kailyard n. a cabbage patch, often attached to a school of writing – the Kailyard School – a genre of overly sentimental and sweet Scottish literature from the late 19th century where sentimental and nostalgic tales are told in escapist tales of fantasy, but here we seek to reverse it by making the Kailyard Observations of effective invective comment from that looks not to return to the past but to launch us into a better future by the one Donald worth believing…

I ne’er saw a foul thing cleanly… poken when those who were once dirty claim to be innocent.

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