RingSide Report

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The Absolute and Utter Shamefulness of the Republican Party


By Henry S. Villard

There is really no exact “right place” to start this column, primarily because it deals with a political party that has lost—in toto—all sense of decency, honor, veracity, reliability (other than the continuing and unending practice of acting totally against the principles and beliefs of the Founding Fathers. In short, today’s Republican Party, with the incredibly tiny exceptions of Liz Cheney  and, on occasion Mitt Romney, has lost all sense of patriotism (NOT their kind of treason, which they think is and absolutely is not anything but…treason), democracy, ethics and any other word or phrase that relates to the principles which that party and this great nation (yes, I believe it still can and will be if we can get the garbage in and of that party under control) were founded on.

Let me be clear: with the exception of those two named above, the entire party—anybody who supports or voted for ANY Republican candidate—is SCUM. Period.

It began with several of Bitch McConnell’s predecessors, but as a friend of mine likes to refer to that double chinned, lying, lowkife, he is the most dangerous person in America. He totally corrupted the party and cared not one whit about facts or truth, supporting some of the worst garbage ever to seek—and get into—office in this country. But the penis-brained, low grade lowlifes (regardless of race, creed, sex, age, handicap, national origin or economic status who voted for any one of them) are the lowest of the low, sheep following a bunch of bigots, racists, anti-semites and nazi-lovers off the proverbial cliff.

While lying degenerates (I taught undergraduate law: this is NOT libel, as I am NOT accusing those lying degenerates of a crime, simply stating my opining, which, in this case, is fact and truth) such as the jerk from Ar-kan-sass, George Santos, BS’ing Boebert, Marjorie Flaylor Greene and every other Republican lawmaker including that piece of human detritus, the gubenator of Florry-duhh, DeSATANis) in government continue to erode our freedoms and liberties, the Rethugnacans continue to try to not only make excises for those anal orifices but continue to make excuses for Herr Trumpler, still claiming that son of an unwed mother did nothing wrong and that the Democrats are out to get him. So what’s worse, that bovine feces or the claims that January 6, 2021 was not an insurrection (which it was) but only a bunch of tourist out to have a good time. Know what? Every one of them should be hung for treason. (With a wire cord, just as that crazy ‘dolf did to people in Germany who he thought were against him.

Now, if all that is not bad enough, think about this: I know many of you are in business, as am I, but I would never take a public stand or platform for any political party. That is probably one of, if not the, best way to alienate past, present and future customers who disagree with your political vies, hence never, ever again will I buy any product made by Goya; shop at Home Depot or buy anything from that distended penis, “the pillow guy.”

Since we are lambasting certain people and a party let’s conclude with some of the biggest lowlifes scum in American history, the LYING, LOWLIFE, CRUMBBUMS of Faux Noise, including, but not limited to, Glenn Dreck, Whoreah Ingram, F’er Carlson and the other slime whose name I just can’t think of, and, folks, I don’t care how much they are getting paid, I can tell you that, if that had as much as one lick of decency (which they don’t) they wouldn’t be doing it.

My family built the Northern Pacific Railroad, which no longer exists and there are no freights to ship or passenger trains to ride, so I feel free to state truth and facts, even though those trying to defend the indefensible will try to disagree, so let the have at it. They are the biggest liars in U. S. history, other than Father Coughlin, Henry Ford and Lindberg, those Jew-hating anti-semites, but todays Republican SCUM are nothing other than lying garbage, and, as usual happens, even with a Josef Stalin, the truth will come out and they will be consigned to the garbage bin of history, which is where they never should have been allowed to crawl out from.

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