RingSide Report

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The Absolute Shamefulness of Greater Miami’s NEOsonderkommandos

By Seth H. Bramson

Intriguing headline, isn’t it?

And, of course, you are asking yourselves (and maybe your friends), “what does that mean?” “What is he talking (writing) about?” “Who or what are NEOsonderkommandos?” and, indeed, you certainly both have the right to know, and, as the educated and literate readers you are on Mr. Berkwitt’s wonderful blog (or, if that is not the correct term, then whatever the correct term is) and should know the meaning of the word.

First, though, there is no such thing as a neonazi (I never have and never will capitalize that utterly disgusting word, and, yes, it is completely disgusting because of who and what it represents): a nazi is a nazi is a nazi and whether the word applies to the dedicated, blind, stupid and mostly at least half crazed followers of Herr Trumpler or to any schmuck who runs around “heiling,” wearing a swastika, giving the nazi arm-stretched-out salutation or simply believes in that hideous crap, he or she are all the same (well, at least we are gender-neutral here), nothing more than a pea-brained, obnoxious, disgusting piece of manure. Period. End of that part of the discussion.

Second, however, there are today, sadly and unhappily to report, an apparently not insignificant group of persons of the Hebrew faith who are, indeed, NEOsonderkommandos, hence an explanation and definition is in order.

During World War II, when the trains carrying the prisoners (who were only prisoners because of their religious or political beliefs, or, on occasion, the sexual orientation or skin color) arrived at the death factories, Bergen-Belson, Dachau, Auschwitz and many more, and said prisoners were herded off the cattle cars, the SS guards, when they saw a particularly husky and strong-looking Jewish boy would take him aside and ask him if he wanted to live. The answer, of course and almost unfailingly, was “Ja,” “yes” in English.

The young fellow would then be told how he and maybe the two or three others who were fortunate enough to fit the qualifications and would then be taken aside and have their duties explained to them: “you will separate the prisoners, take them to the cleansing area, disrobe them, shave them, remove anything of value and then send those deemed unfit to “the showers?!!” B. S. “Showers” my posterior because those horrible buildings with the shower heads coming down from the ceilings were death traps and the only thing coming out of those shower heads was the Zyklon B poisonous gas.

Some of the boys, wanting to live, agreed, and—this might surprise our dear readers—I completely understand because those who said “no, I won’t do it,” were put back in line and became just another number in the nazi death machine records. Fortunately, though, a number of the young men said “yes,” and, suffice to report, as horrific as it was, some of them not only survived the war, but, because they did, lived to tell about what they observed and engaged in first hand, and that is, for the most part, how and why we have such excruciatingly detailed recounting of those horrific and disgusting events.

Now, please understand, those young men did what they had to do to survive, but, and today even more unhappily, we have certain Jewish people who are, unquestionably, NEOsonderkommandos, and who seem to take pleasure in intentionally and gleefully harming other Jews, shamelessly and shamefully stabbing them in the back, and since I have been a victim of that shameful, disgusting and ethically criminal action taken by one Jew to harm another person of that faith, I am qualified to discuss them and their revolting actions.

Now, I am not going to name the individuals right at this moment but I will tell you that several in question were employed by not only two major Jewish health care organizations, one in Miami and one on Miami Beach, but, and, and also, by a major history-oriented and related organization, that in Miami. None of them are employed in those places any longer and this “indictment” is not against the organizations but against those individuals who engaged in that insidious and vile activity. OH! And by the way, it is and has not been just them, but any person of the Jewish faith who harms another Jew by inequitably and shamefully taking the side of another person when the Jewish person is not only absolutely right and correct but is being so terribly harmed and that person(he or she doing the betraying) is, indeed, a NEOsonderkommando.

I hope that enlightens our readers and I give no and will offer no apologies for what I have written because the actions of those in question are so horrifically vile that they unquestionably, sans the physical violence, still rate at the level of what was done (but only because those in World War II wanted to live and cannot be faulted for that) at the time while today’s individuals who fit in that category cannot even think about using—much less use—that as their excuse: but those actions, of gleefully and with malice aforethought stabbing another Jew in the back makes the stabber, unquestionably and unequivocally, a NEOsonderkommand.

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