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Don’t Get It Twisted… This Is Not Your Grandparents GOP!

By Ron Signore

Politics has been a continuous divider of ideology since, well, forever. I am by no means a Ronald Reagan fan, Bush Sr. fan, but those are the last years I can recall the divide being more about a difference of opinion on how to grow the country to be more prosperous, as opposed to whatever the heck we are doing now.

I have written previously on how that divide became more evident around the genesis of Rush Limbaugh during the Clinton presidency. Since then, when we look at civil liberties, socio-economical issues, and really any part of an ideology that can have two viewpoints is no longer the fundamental ideology differences that we know.

Federalist, Anti-federalist, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican. These words have taken on a life of their own. The prime notion at a general level was set by government oversight, or involvement in how the nation operated. The parties were pretty identifiable to each of those terms as well. The focus on social improvements, be it the environment, programs to combat poverty, enhance workers rights, were amongst some of the characteristics of someone who leaned to the left as a liberal or democrat.

Somewhere along the line, that divide we started to see expand with the rise of Rush, there was an explosion. Something so vile that changed the dichotomy of politics from that point forward, which ironically, became a regression.

That point in time was 2008 and the election of the first African American President of the United States in Barack Obama. The country had progressed from a society that had a history of strong oppression to the human of color all the way to leading this free and glorious nation. Along with it came more visibility to a national perspective of injustices over time. While the fact of the matter is that racial injustices have cyclically gone from bad to really bad over time, we began to see a more consistent spotlight in real time on the ongoing racial problems in the country.

This historic election victory and the 8 years that ensued caused so many people in this nation to lose their minds. It amplified voices like Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and the likes pandering to the paranoia that the country was in peril. While we always had conspiracy theorists, the thermometer has since gone to unreal heights (or should I say depths?) to help keep that pandering popular. The paranoia was just a mask of hate. Hate has continued to grow, which ended up developing an alternate world. Ongoing observations and skepticisms riddled the brain of the feeble-minded to an extent that has ultimately stopped progress.

Instead of considering where the federal government should be involved in solving and issue, where things should push to the state level, or making decisions based on a future for all of our citizens, the practice of political compromise has all but evolved into a public standstill that echoes utter nonsense to a country in need. Then, at the end of 2015, the train really went off the tracks, spilling a mess of idiocy that exponentially sped up the process of divide to what we see today.

The country, by way of Russian interference and our own electoral college process, put a failed reality tv star, a career conman in office, who’s only successful business venture has been selling red hats to hateful morons. With promises to drain the swamp, the pro-white mind along with doubters in government, and misogynists, jumped aboard the Cheetoh express. The rise of falsities, or opinions, began segregating American minds to question everything they know to be real. The elected orange turd, shameless as he is, governed on many bold-faced lies in efforts to discredit half of a governing ideology, as well as the media. This in turn created a rise of loyalists to one person, which has become the most dangerous part of this governments progress under the umbrella of democracy.

This man has amplified narcissistic tendencies beyond any normal ego of an arrogant person. It is a whole new level of self-centered-ness. The consistency of his lies has driven an increase of shameless hypocrisies from the citizen level all the way to the international stage. These aren’t hypocrisies that even benefit our citizens, but rather prove to be of self-serving interest…and now more than ever.

While we can think about the hypocrisies in politicized arguments like a vaccine, or even the hot button issue that can open a can of worms like abortion, this most impactful hypocrisy in my opinion is segregation of the government and its laws. The consequence could be the end of democracy as we know it.

Throughout time, law and order has been more synonymous with the Republican Party. They prey on a notion that Democrats are soft on crime. I think that could be a good debate as a whole, solely because what we see as potential crimes and their impact on society may differ. The Republicans want laws to follow a Christian nature as practiced by the WASP in the country. While we all know my feelings of religion in government, the hypocrisy has been rocked so hard that we are experiencing a disregard for laws were all expected to respect or defend as a member of the government.

While we sit here and observe hypocrisies in the positive results that we have seen come from the Biden administration, like bragging about an infrastructure bill that you actually voted against would be even smaller potatoes than it sounds like if the agenda wasn’t to eliminate the left from any positive impact to this country. It is miniscule compared to over-arching fact that the Orange Cheeto has had evidence found leading to 91 criminal indictments, several civil suits around business and his behavior with women.

Despite having 91 indictments against him, the outcry of popularity from the right continues to have momentum. Celebrating mugshots, rising up in challenging what is referred to as the deep state and the radical left as a conspiracy to interfere with the upcoming election because they refuse to believe the legitimacy of the 2020 election results is driving a political campaign based on retribution. It is also providing wasteful efforts focused on an extremely petty witch hunt against the Biden family and administration. Witch hunts focus on finding something wrong, however, if wrong is found, it no longer is a witch hunt. Republicans scream from the rooftops about Hunter Biden or try and develop a process to impeach President Biden as a deflection from the real wrongdoing. They essentially have legally enacted the ability to scrounge up any dirt they want. However, we have events where the act appeared criminal and there was evidence available to support the criminality with the Loser.

For years, the chants of “lock her up” came because of how emails may have been sent, and despite no evidence of wrongdoing, idiots still bellow calls started by Cheeto’s campaign in 2015. However, now we have the concern of leaked national secrets that can be perilous to the country, a scheme to try and overturn a fair democratic election, and actions that incited a riotous insurrection all for the narcissistic ego of a career loser that presumably half the country wants to ignore and turn to a perspective of the loser being the victim.

With someone under federal indictments, or even as a convicted felon, Cheeto Man can still pursue and potentially earn a seat back on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Because we are a country that allows for this to continue, it has only driven the message of retribution to grow. There has been no shyness, or hiding the intentions to specifically weaponize the government against those who were against the known liar. What’s worse is the fact that these hateful people are eating it up and backing it. They have lost sight of the purpose of governing a free nation. They have lost sight of democracy and show signs of allowing dictator-like actions to circumvent the voice of those who see the country differently.

The results of running a country like the CEO of a company have already proven to be disastrous. Incompetent appointments to help drive the government operations, a significant impact to the national debt solely from policy desires, unnecessary death from incompetent decision making around a pandemic that put us on the track for a battle with inflation amongst other things. The results mimic those of his many failed ventures with him at the realm in the private world. The future could put this country in an tailspin that could take generations to correct. The middle and lower economic class will continue to scrape by if they can survive at all. What is even scarier are reports of enlisted servicemen have been identified in a Pentagon report as wanting to overthrow the government, which completely disgraces the oath they took to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States.

We need to continue to be vigilant in fighting for the freedoms and prosperity of our neighbors. We need the elected officials to recognize right from wrong isn’t left versus right. That their impact in government is for all citizens of the United States. Not just the Pro-Maga States of America. It isn’t enough for us to get out and vote. We need to drive others to the ballot box. We need to take an active role in leading by example. If we do not immediately step up, the United States will cease to exist.

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