RingSide Report

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Trump Does Not Live Rent Free In Our Heads…

By Sharon Synowsky

“Your boos mean nothing to me; I’ve seen what you cheer for!”– Former PA State Representative Brian Sims, to PA House Republicans, 6/9/21

The MAGA crowd likes to laughingly throw out the old “Trump lives rent-free in your heads!! LOL!!”


Let me explain a few things, dear MAGA. Trump is only in our heads because he busts his way in, takes up residence despite our objections, and tries to change and/or destroy our headspace. We talk about him to exorcise the demon and alert those who aren’t paying attention. And as for rent-free? Nope. No. Uh-uh. Every time he bullies his way into our consciousness, there’s a price…that WE pay. We lose a little of our joy and comfort with every vile utterance of his and every despicable deed he does. We are alarmed at how much his racism, misogyny, vengeful rhetoric is openly cheered.

Donald John Trump cheats in business. He cheats on his wives. Hell, he even cheats at golf! If you lost a loved one to Covid…it’s due to Trump’s careless mishandling of the pandemic. He has done nothing for this country but divide us. Think he cares about you? WRONG! If he gets reelected, that’ll be the last time we WILL EVER get to vote. And he will no longer need you. After Trump has gone after the politicians who are “disloyal”; after he has imprisoned military members and reporters who disagree with him; after he has silenced the private citizens who speak out against him, guess what?

He will either ignore your needs, or he will find a reason to come after you. Donald Trump will surround himself with the wealthy and ignore We the People. He will give the wealthiest people tax break after tax break while raising taxes on the middle and lower classes to cover the cost. The world will once again lose respect for the U.S. He is inept, ignorant, unintelligent and he is a bully. He is an adjudicated rapist. (Adjudicated by a JURY, not “some lefty judge who hates Trump”) He incited an insurrection. He is facing 91 criminal counts in 4 different cases. Yet you all just keep drinking the Kool Aid, you keep denying things you see WITH YOUR VERY OWN EYES!

You double down on your praise for him, because if you admit he did ANYTHING wrong, that means you’ve been wrong about him, and that would destroy your sense of self. You’ve invested so much of yourself into believing he’s infallible. And that’s why you can’t admit that maybe, just maaayybbee, he’s not who you propped him up to be.

We don’t think President Biden is perfect. We don’t tie our self-worth to him either. Hell, we don’t always agree with his policies. We don’t buy Biden merch and turn our homes/vehicles/wardrobes into gaudy, obnoxious Biden-praising objects. We don’t believe Biden is a god. We are not in a cult.

So, unleash your MAGA fury at me again. Tell me I’m:

To paraphrase Brian Sims, your insults mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what you praise.

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