RingSide Report

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The Donald Trump Interviews…

Nick Nolan Speaks Out

Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Nick is in his 60s and lives in California. He is a writer.

KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?

I think hate is too gentle; I hate black liquorice, the stench of a trash dumpster on a hot day, and rush-hour traffic in Los Angeles. When it comes to Trump, loathe is a better word, because we’ve had years to see his lack of character and empathy, his rampant corruption, his narcissism, his cruelty, his racism and homophobia and his pandering to the lowest stratum of American society.

Trump doesn’t care if he burns down the world if it makes him feel powerful and omnipotent; he is the quintessential embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth, boiling together in a fetid swamp of vanity and deception.

KB: How do you view his supporters?

Honestly, I think nearly half of them are ‘good people’ who’ve been misled and are too scared to use their critical thinking skills. I know some of these folks, and they are simply dyed-in-the-wool Republicans who still imagine the GOP as conservative, small government, prayer-in-school, America First people. The other near half, in my opinion, are the racist, uneducated, willfully ignorant Confederacy, KKK white supremacists. My father was one of these: He loved Joseph McCarthy and presidential candidate George Wallace and thought segregation was beneficial to society as a whole…so I understand the mindset.

Finally, the remaining 1% are those filthy rich people who’ve benefitted from Trump’s tax code allowing someone to write-of their private jet while simultaneously snatching away a teacher’s ability to deduct $275 per year in school supplies, they bought with their own money. I think all Trump supporters don’t care if Trump cheats, because all they care about is winning, and if it takes cheating to win, then that’s just part of the game.

KB: Why should Trump never be President again?

Trump sees himself as omnipotent and infallible, and he’ll only be interested in appointing sycophantic cabinet members. Look how many of his prior cabinet were charged and found guilty of corruption! A second presidency would be an exercise in revenge, with those gaining favor only who kiss his ring (and ass). He would topple NATO and cause mayhem throughout the world, and he would undermine every step we’ve taken to curtail global warming and climate change. I see nothing to prevent him imprisoning his foes the way Putin does; there would be people ‘accidentally’ falling out of windows all over the USA should 45 become 47. No way.

KB: Why is America better off without Trump?

Look at what’s happened under Biden: Huge job growth, international stability, upholding LGBTQ rights, COVID relief, infrastructure improvement, a bipartisan border bill (that Trump killed! So much for his claim: DEMOCRATS WANT OPEN BORDERS), student loan forgiveness, green energy, strengthening NATO, and more. Under Trump a million Americans died of COVID – partially due to his withholding information and downplaying the epidemic – we also lost millions of jobs and became the laughingstock of the world.

KB: Why should people vote for Joe Biden?

Biden’s primary focus is on the American people: First responders, unions, teachers, seniors, students, the hardworking people who make America what it’s always been. Biden is about playing fairly so everyone gets a chance. No, he’s not perfect, but when compared with Trump as a leader and negotiator and politician, there’s no choice of whom to vote for…unless you’re a racist, uneducated, cheating, narcissistic, homophobic, selfish sociopath. Birds of a feather.

KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view the Republican Party?

Aside from all of the corruption and hypocrisy rampant in the GOP, the biggest difference is this: Democrats want equality and justice for everyone, while Republicans largely want privileges for themselves: White, Xtian, heterosexual. If you aren’t in those 3 categories, you’re on your own. They are largely xenophobic and will cheat their way to the finish line. Of course, there are exceptions like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and Mitt Romney, and there are corrupt Democrats, but the two sides are weighted very differently.

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