The Donald Trump Interviews… Scott Smith Speaks Out
Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen
Scott Smith is 55 and has a stroke related disability. He lives in Florida.
KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?
I don’t hate Trump. I don’t let anyone have that much control over my emotions. I don’t like him. I have no feelings personally for him either way.
KB: How do you view his supporters?
I view his supporters as uneducated rural idiots who are creating something in their minds that is in no way in adherence to what the person deserves. A lot of them claim to be Christians but then they violate the commandments by idolizing someone who only cares about himself. I was a licensed therapist for 20 years and I have diagnosed a number of people with mental illnesses and while this is a new one to me, it has all the marks of a true mental illness and should be treated as such.
KB: Why should Trump never be President again?
Because everyone he stands for is in direct opposition to what this country was founded and built upon. Anyone who admits that they would like total immunity to kill his political opponents or want to be a dictator for even a day is not the way our forefathers foresaw this country that they started the country and started the process to make the country as strong as it is and will continue to be as long as he never becomes president again.
KB: Why is America better off without Trump?
Our country is better off without Trump because during the beginning of the pandemic, when we needed strong leadership, he wanted to use the ventilators against the states that were not behind his election. People die when you hold onto equipment that is necessary. He has repeatedly lied about everything to do with the pandemic and due to his lies, more people died in this country than just about any other country in the world. He tanked our economy to drastic levels while he was off golfing. And now he is stopping the GOP from passing a bill to help our allies out over the border that President Biden has made known that he would close if they would stop playing games and just pass the bill. It’s like a bunch of kids playing being adults.
KB: Why should people vote for Joe Biden?
Because bringing this country out of a worldwide pandemic to be as physically and economically strong as it is means that if you give him a country that is this strong and allow him to build it even stronger and give us a great chance to become the strongest country once again. Age and experience are very important.
KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view the Republican Party?
I registered to vote in 1987. My first job while in college was working at a psychiatric hospital run by my home state of Massachusetts and Michael Dukakis was our governor before running for president in 1988. All of my colleagues at the hospital and I voted for Michael Dukakis because I felt that his plan for the future of the country was better than Bush Sr. and I have never found a Republican that had any good ideas or plans for the future of the country and it certainly is not going to change with someone who claims to want to take everyone’s rights away like Trump. If I didn’t agree with the policies of President Biden, I would rather not vote at all than vote for Trump or any other Republican.
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