RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports

Revenge Tour 2024

By Deanna Maria R.

If you are not into politics, or rarely peruse social media sites, you may think this piece is about a band from the 80’s or 90’s announcing their comeback tour, sadly that is not the case. No, this piece is about a former president seeking revenge against anyone in government (Democrats & Non-Trump supporting Republicans) the FBI, those in the judicial system or who are otherwise publicly notable, for speaking out against him, or simply for doing their jobs.

Recently, former president, Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. Basically, ‘cooking the books’, prior to his presidential term in 2016. It was determined by the courts that he did this to cover up an extramarital affair with former porn star, Stormy Daniels. He paid her hush money through his then attorney, Michael Cohen, so it wouldn’t affect his run for the presidency. At the time of the writing of this article, he has yet to be sentenced. Allegedly, he is still able to run for president as the 2024 Republican nominee.

Of course, ever since he lost to President Joe Biden in 2020, he’s been ranting that the election was rigged as well as everything else that hasn’t gone his way, including the hush money trial. He accuses the president & the judicial system among others for the position he is in, then uses social media to rile up his many supporters, some of which have called for doxxing, or harming not only the judge but the jurors also.

Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s campaign press secretary suggested that there would be revenge. The answer came about after Jesse Watters from Fox News, asked if there would be revenge directed towards people involved in the hush money case against Trump if he were to win reelection in 2024. Her response to the question was, “Yes, justice needs to be served for the good-hearted Americans across this country who want to see an equal application of the law.”

Check out Deanna’s art work which can be purchased HERE.