RingSide Report

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When Food Is Love…

By Ana Braga

Do you wanna know what is the most dangerous drug in my opinion? Food.

We are conditioned from early on that food has to equal an explosion of flavors in our mouths. We aren’t taught that food is fuel but pleasure. You can still eat delicious foods that are actually nutritious and beneficial to your health. Why do I think it could be a drug? Because the foods rich in starchy carbs, sugars and chemicals, can cause diabetes and even cancer. Pretty much the packaged food isles, the cereal boxes, chips, crackers and more.

We must reconsider our relationship with food instead of continuing on the path of eating as a reward or giving into our cravings. Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry and don’t look for sweets when you’re sad. Food isn’t love, food is fuel.

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