RingSide Report

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It is Just Comical Now

By Ron Signore

If it wasn’t so sad, it would be comical. This country continues to take missteps that inevitably will cause more harm than good. It was already a complete one-eighty by overturning Roe V. Wade. The Conservative majority of the Supreme Court of the United States erased a historical decision on a freedom that should not only be a right by law, but a natural human right, to healthcare decisions without government interaction. To my knowledge, Canada has a socialist healthcare system and still has more rights to paths of care than we are seeing now.

Just when we thought we couldn’t go back in time any further, our SCOTUS takes us back over 250 years adhering to a foundational standard set forth by this country in that no man is above the law. Now, the reality of this ruling dissented on July, 1st is not as good or as bad as either side understands. Never in our history has a President driven a desire for absolute immunity. I wish someone could explain why a President is so gung-ho on the topic if they did nothing criminal. It is similar to the moronic push to make it a federal law that undocumented aliens cannot vote- that is already a law. Just typical smoke and mirrors to draw paranoia from the rest of the losers.

The reality is that President’s already were covered with immunity for acts of their job. If they did something crooked outside of the natural purview of that role, there were steps taken to remove them from office, like impeachment. In the case of Richard Nixon, he resigned as opposed to facing impeachment, and Gerald Ford pardoned him from any prosecution. What this ruling does is puts the burden on the lower courts to put the burden on the prosecution to prove the criminal acts Cheeto Boy is being prosecuted for were not part of his official capacity of office.

Think about that for a second. The mashed potato MAGAts would have you believe Agent Orange Turd has complete immunity from any possible prosecution during his Presidency. Naturally, they hit social media with that garbage hard yesterday. The echoes of all charges being dropped and that the prosecutions or convictions are over are just false. Like their dreams of that being true, the fears of the left who do not understand the ruling are false. The hopes of what Biden can do because of that ruling is also far-fetched.

So, what is an official act? That is what Jack Smith has to prove. That is what Judges Chutkan, McAfee, and Cannon have to decide. The reality of these scenarios can very well be argued to be outside of official acts. It is not an official act to try and alter an election or disrupt our democratic process. It is not an official act to do whatever he was doing with classified documents containing secrets and sharing information with people who do not have clearance to see them. It is not an official act to call a governor asking to find 11,000 votes. It is not an official act to misplace/mishandle classified documents. It is not an official act to tamper with the Vice President to stop the democratic process.

The man is a lifelong crook. All of the above could be argued strongly that those acts did not sit under the umbrella of official acts of duty. The tough one in my mind to prove beyond a reasonable doubt may indeed be the January 6th Insurrection. It can be argued that it was his official action to not engage the national guard or not deal with the insurrectionists. He was impeached over the incident, which was the right action as a consequence. He failed at hid duty as President. But is that outside of an official act? I believe so. Most know his role in the insurrection. But it isn’t what we know, it is what we can prove.

My argument is simple. Shielding a criminal from prosecution of efforts to prevent our democratic process, specifically for personal gain, and worse based on lies told about the election, should warrant no legal protection. But we live in a country that right now has connections to support those actions. We have a Supreme Court that has been found to be corruptible, and clearly aligned with an alternate reality of facts. When a Supreme Court Justice’s wife supports the insurrection and flies the upside-down flag, all ethical perception is questioned.

Someone can fact check me, I encourage it, but I did see that the three judges who opposed the 6-3 decision on this immunity matter have not accepted finances or gifts from private interest groups or persons.

On one hand, maybe this will finally kill the bogus impeachment investigation on Biden going on in the house. While it has already been another losing nothingburger set forth by the clown show GOP, it is just one less thing they have to deal with and maybe try to actually do their job governing.

We took a perceptive blow on Thursday with the debate. The perception of Biden was unfavorable. While I believe the two candidates were held to different standards, it caused enough of an uproar. Not one truth came out of the Orange Turd’s mouth, but the nation seemed to be focused on the frailty of what appeared to be a lost and slow Joe Biden. The truth wasn’t judged as harshly as his appearance. However, my hope will be that enough people saw just that with Cheeto Boy. Furthermore, as a tie-in to the hopeful intelligence of undecided voters, the truth being realized with debate answers from Biden along with the reality of the damning future we can see with a more conservative regime including the weaponization of the current make up of the SCOTUS, will raise the drive to vote blue.

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