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Here Kitty Kitty!

By Ana Braga

Do you own a pet? Most people who own pets identify themselves as dog people. Why is there still prejudice or lack of understanding about cats? In Asian culture, the cat is known to bring good luck, therefore they’re regarded with respect. In Egypt, cats were known to be magical creatures and bring good fortune to those who owned them. But can anyone really own a cat? As a cat owner, foster and rescuer, I believe they end up choosing us. They either choose us or choose to bond with us.

In America, there is still a lot of prejudice towards cats, some even say they hate the animal. I believe people who hate cats are the real animals, I don’t trust people who don’t like cats. The most common given excuse not to adopt a cat is? If you guessed allergies you won a cookie. It is a very small fraction of the population who cannot have a cat due to severe allergies.

It is known that, owning a cat may prolong your lifespan around 8 years. Owning a cat may reduce the risk of heart disease as cats can lower stress and reduce the feeling of loneliness, the act of petting a cat and hearing/feeling their purring, can reduce stress and anxiety. Having someone to wake up to everyday and care for can add years your life, a cat is the perfect companion, specially if you’re a senior citizen. Cats are easy to take care of and they’re very independent.

Please check with your local shelter? There are several shelters that hold special events where they wave the adoption fee. Most shelters throughout the country are at full capacity, meaning pets will be put down if not adopted in time. Keep your mind open to adopt an adult/senior cat? They often get dumped at shelters and you’ll both be saving each other’s lives. Shelter pets, specially seniors, know they’re getting a second chance. Don’t shop, adopt!

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