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The Donald Trump Interviews… Sue William Silverman Speaks Out

Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Sue is a baby boomer and an author of 8 books of creative nonfiction and poetry, and co-chair of the MFA in Writing program at Vermont College of Fine Arts. She lives in Michigan, but as she puts it herself: “I’m also living in a State of Fear”.

KB: Why do you dislike or even hate Trump?

By all accounts he is a narcissistic sociopath. The only reason why he isn’t (yet) as bad as Hitler or Stalin or Idi Amin is because, even when he was President, we had a remnant of a democracy. This time around, even that remnant of a democracy has evaporated given the recent Supreme Court decision, which made bribery legal as long as the payment comes after the action. If elected again, he will do whatever the 1% want as long they pay him once he’s done his service for them. It’s like the AC/DC song, “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,” except now you just pay afterwards. Combine that with another Supreme Court ruling that expands and shields him from prosecution for “official” acts (and now that he can pardon himself, everything is “official”) we will have our first American dictator if he is elected again.


The worst of them are members of a cult. They drink the Kool-Aid even though they know (or should) the darkness ahead. Others who support him are simply angry and disenfranchised but direct their anger and disenfranchisement at others who are in the same boat rather than those in power who set them adrift in the first place. They can’t see that Trump doesn’t care about them. They are duped. Trumpism (and conservative Republicanism, generally) requires an uneducated base, which is why education is slowly but surely being replaced by indoctrination. I’m sure that Trump would support replacing public universities with Soviet-style re-education camps.

KB: Why is America better off without Trump?

The answer to that would require more space than allowed here, so let me rephrase the question – In what ways would America be better off under a second Trump administration? The answer in None, Nada, fucking Zilch. Oh, and ask Ukrainians how they’d be better off under The Orange One. The many thousands of dead Ukrainians would know best, but they are, you know, dead.

KB: Why should Trump never be President again?

Just as in Ukraine, people will die. Democracy will die. The goals for which this country shed blood will have been in vain. Education will continue to erode. The planet will continue to warm in ways we could avoid, or at least ameliorate. And, if you’re a Christian, he will continue to hijack your religion and pervert it until love and compassion become hatred and exclusion. Other than that, it would all be just fucking fine.

KB: Why should people vote blue in the upcoming elections?

It seems now that the Democratic nominee is Kamala Harris. To me, she represents the future of the country. With the exception of President Obama, the country has been run by white men. It is beyond time for a change. As a BIPOC woman, she is the perfect person to represent this change. She can take on Trump and call him out: She has said that, as a prosecutor, she took on perpetrators and “predators who have abused women, fraudsters who have ripped off consumers; cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain”—people like Trump! As much as President Biden helped us heal from Trump, now, a President Harris could help our country grow into an era of real equality for all. She empathetically cares for those who have been under-represented and unheard.

KB: Why are you a Democrat and how do you view the Republican Party?

I’m a Democrat because the party has moral values that align with mine: That we are a nation where all are created equal and given equal opportunity to excel. Also, there is no longer any real alternative. Once upon a time there was Republican party. Now there is only the Party of Trump and those willing to kiss his derriere. Those who vote for Trump should remember the old warning – If you break it, you buy it. Under Trump, you’ll hand over your money and get nothing in return. Actually, you will. You’ll get a notice that you owe more for the nothing that you’re getting.

KB: 500 writers signed an open letter to stop Donald Trump in 2016. You were the one of them. Why did you sign that letter and would you do it again?

I signed that original letter and would sign another letter now. In fact, I’d insist on it

Before becoming President, he was a corrupt businessman with a string of bankruptcies, so I knew he’d be a corrupt president. He has no moral code. He lies. He cheats. His own niece says he has no redeeming qualities. He denigrates the physically and mentally challenged. He’s a misogynist. Imagine a Democrat running for the presidency who cheated on his pregnant wife by having congress (!) with a porn star. To make matters worse, he has what I would term an emotionally incestuous relationship with his daughter, Ivanka.

I also signed the letter because the media is NOT doing its job. They didn’t back in 2016, and they aren’t now. In both instances the media ripped apart Hillary Clinton and, now, Biden. The media is asking if Biden is fit to be President??!! I mean, what about Trump, a convicted felon??!!

It is outrageous.

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