RingSide Report

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Has Donald Trump Gone Mad?

By Ana Braga

Who thought by President Biden leaving the race that VP Kamala Harris would be that relatable of a candidate? I sure didn’t see it coming. Harris has been gaining so much momentum in a short few weeks after President Biden graciously stepped down. It’s not just the fund raising, Kamala has been gaining new voters and has transformed this presidential race into an energetic campaign. Could she be Obama 2.0? She certainly has the potential and charisma. Unlike Trump, Kamala has chosen a down to earth middle of America dad as her VP choice in Wisconsin Governor Tim Walz. With all that being said, Donald isn’t very happy. He’s been posting nonstop angry rants from Truth Social slandering Kamala and being envy of her crowd size. To the point he said her crowds are AI generated and if anyone does show up, is because she’s paying them.

So I ask you my dear readers… Has Trump gone completely mad or he just admitted he follows Q conspiracies? Either way, he’s really intimidated by a woman of color being ahead in the polls and drawing big crowds. The only people who believe what he says is his base, he isn’t gaining points with new voters, independents and women. His narcissism has gotten the best of him and he has gone mad and wants his followers to go crazy as well. After the election, and hopefully after Kamala’s win, MAGA will need mental health care or an exorcism!

Our country needs to heal after the election, Trump’s poison has consumed all of us, directly and indirectly.

Stay strong and stay focused until November 5th. Eye on the prize!

PS: The Musk – Trump Twitter Interview was a true shit show last night!

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