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A Recap of the Presidential Debate Between Vice President Kamala Harris & Former President Donald Trump

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By Ron Signore

On September 10th, 2024, my hope was, and continues to be, that we saw the nail in the coffin, er jail cell, for Diaper Donny. September 10th was the night of the debate between Kamala Harris and Cheeto Boy. If you are looking for this to be a fair and unbiased review and preview, this is a good place to cease reading.

First of all, Bunker Boy looked awful. He looked old. He looked beat up. His neck vagina was symbolic of the whore he is. He acted entitled with the demeanor of an old curmudgeon. Vice President Harris got under his orange skin right off the bat by going and shaking his hand in an introduction prior to the debate. I loved it. It was a gutsy move of confidence and a rejection of any possible intimidation. She caught him so off guard, he looked awkward.

Diaper Don won the coin toss, so he elected to choose to have last word. Kamala would start the debate off on her plan for the economy. Citing examples of tax credits and a focus on the younger generations ability to buy a home, help with new child costs, and driving help with the entrepreneurs of this country to continue driving job growth and prosperity, she outlined areas of focus well. She also pointed out the shortfalls of a Chump economy.

Don VonShitzenpants was nothing short of himself in his response. Using his unhinged typical talking style, he rambled in circles about how great his plan was, how admired his plan was from the Wharton professors, and how great the economy was in his eyes during his first term. But that is never the stopping point. He rambled on about how bad this country is under the Biden/Harris administration. Incoherently at times, even for him. Having no factual back up, but rather exaggerated opinions on false realities. Anything to deflect from being such a root cause to the economic trajectory we were set on from his presidency.

Maligned with false claims against her, Kamala came out fighting. There is clearly no more room for the high road. It doesn’t work with that piece of garbage. She brought the fight. She insulted him. She insulted his intelligence. She insulted him for his lack of plans. She insulted his history of being a spoiled rich brat. I loved every second of it. She put him in a corner where all he could get out was his normal cries of how unfair his life is and that the current administration is corrupt. He couldn’t resist throwing Hunter Biden and financial allegations between countries like Ukraine and China used to benefit the current first family. She didn’t let it phase her. She fired right back where it hurt his core. I would say soul, but, c’mon, he doesn’t have one.

Convicted of felonies, his pessimistic outlook of our great country, his several bankruptcies in his professional career, and his consistency for playing the victim that drives unacceptable behavior. The peaceful transition of power is not likely, no matter who wins. The left has some legal ground to pursue if Chump wins, but with the corruption and deliberate dysfunction from the GOP in government led by a Chump appointed majority SCOTUS, I hold very little hope in that helping out in a worst-case outcome. But she put on a spotlight to January 6th. She called out the truth of the events that day, and he was called out for lies as per usual.

However, it was his response that made me sick to my stomach. In recent days, the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Donald Dump. I have several qualms with that topic being from a police family. All of the benefits my family enjoys as part of the FoP are laden with liberal and democratic policies. Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face. But he really shamed police as part of the January 6th Insurrection. He damned the police officer from the capitol for shooting Ashli Babbitt. Which aligns with his calling of insurrectionists “patriots,” despite the constant conspiracy theory that the people who stormed the capitol were ANTIFA and Democratic plants.

If you are stupid enough to believe anything this man says, I have pity for you. And even that is running thin. Although, I must admit, I do believe he hasn’t read Project 2025. Specifically, the word read. He is sadly known for not reading what he needs to, clearly a sign of a lacking education on key topics. It was clear throughout the night that he became more and more unhinged. He was rattled by Kamala’s offensive and intelligent talking points. He had nothing. The same old crap.

After watching her mop the floor with Orange Mop and Glow, my confidence in the reality of who the better candidate to lead this country was. Not that I had doubts, but I was looking for things the right could echo on and drive negative messaging on. They are going to have to continue with their alternate reality of opinions fostered by the Orange Turd, because she came prepared, sharp, and executed.

Though, that wasn’t even the best part of the night…The best part came within an hour after the debate concluded. Taylor Swift formally endorsed Kamala Harris for President. We live in an influencer based world. Taylor Swift is a HUGE influencer. Her following is arguably one of the greatest sized in the world, demonstrated by the world watching her either at her performances or attending her boyfriend’s football games. She holds huge legitimate power over a fan base that is predominantly female. That really could be the final key to the jail cell for Agent Orange. Her message of endorsement was of a positive outlook that shined on being a “steady-handed, gifted leader.” Her belief is that we can be led to accomplish so much more if “we are led by calm, and not chaos.”

I do not like Taylor Swift’s music. Just isn’t for me. I saw her in concert opening for Tim McGraw and Faith Hill back in 2007, which as a music guy, that is pretty cool. However, it just isn’t my kind of sound. But that doesn’t take away from what her impact can be for doing what is right and influencing people on truth and reality. Furthermore, it wasn’t some sort of false narrative displayed as she endorsed Harris. She really outlined that they fight for the causes she believes in and that they are the warriors to champion the fight for those causes. Simple, yet extremely elegant and impactful.

There are also some elements of de’ja vu this morning. The Wall Street Journal released an article claiming that there is some frustration from the GOP on Bunker Boy’s performance. Now, it wouldn’t be a GOP complaint if there wasn’t some victim mentality associated. Naturally, they expressed frustration with the ABC moderators as well. Claiming that he faced more scrutiny, they failed to see that he had about 1/3 more talking time than Harris, and his only scrutiny was the instant fact check on the unrealistic unhinged ramblings about post birth abortion and undocumented immigrants eating pets in Ohio. Calling someone out on the ridiculousness that those topics are shouldn’t be scrutiny. They should be mandatory. Wouldn’t it be great, though, if they convince him to step down? He won’t, it’s the only possibility he avoids jail.

Vote Blue.

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