RingSide Report

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Kamala Harris Vs Donald Trump For the Democracy & Humanity Championship of America

By Donald “Braveheart” Stewart

An opinion piece from the only Donald worth listening to…

Full Stop – In British English grammar a full stop is a lengthy pause, in the US, you call it a period. In the UK that tends to suggest feminine products. Here it means a period of time where I look at something in boxing in a little more depth. I am typing from my perspective of a fan who watches the sport closely. It’s an opinion. It is my opinion. Don’t like it? There are other opinions out there but if you don’t like it then good, debate and democracy are a good thing. If you do like it, feel free to spread the word.

10 rounds on the floor

They say that to sell a fight, you need at least one side to trash talk. This fight had one side all trash talk, the other possibly too demur and respectful – the worry was that this late replacement had not had enough time to train for the contest.

As it turned out, we needn’t have worried. But the first thing that challenger Harris did was to walk across that ring and show some damn respect to the man who had lost his title four years ago, had never stopped whining about how the judges had taken it from him and was now facing his toughest test to date. Trump looked non plussed – and not for the first time in the 12 round fight.

This Philly contest, in the hometown of some of the USA’s greatest fighters, like Smokin Joe, needed a spark to get it started – and it was not long before the feints that Harris never threw set traps that challenger Trump fell right into.

Round One

Trump threw what he thought were knockout blows about the economy, but Harris blocked these with ease. Many thought these were the topics on which Trump would land some tough shots, but Harris began with tactics that paid dividends again and again. Throwing insults out like “Marxist”, Trump showed he had no substance to his claims underlining the fact that he has much in his “armory” but is not backed up with any ring IQ.

Round Two

Having been sent back rocking on his heels, Trump then tried the low blow of baby murdering. This has been a significant part of his appeal to people who may struggle with their thumbs, but Harris scoffed and countered effectively with real life examples of how Trump seems to be intent on telling people, especially those with pussies, what to do with their bodies. Trump tried to sound like he was proud of his record, but the first intervention by the referees warned Trump of peddling low blows and trying to pretend that his opponents had landed the illegal shots. It was a warning he was unable to take account of.

Round Three

By round three, Trump seemed to be unaware he was seriously behind on the scorecards but mounted what some thought would be the back handed knockout. Many thought he was simply playing to “his” crowd, hoping to sway the judges as he moved onto his offensive about “the wall”. This has been something he has effectively used many times before. There were the beginnings of cracks in his attack in his previous outing. Then, a rematch of their 2016 match, in which Biden knocked Trump out his House, Trump had appeared to land a few decent blows, but when analyzed on countback, it was pointed out that Trump had pillow fists.

Round Four

Now, Trump just seemed to get his armory all mixed up, leaving him exposed to some serious counter measures. Harris hit him right in the solar plexus and he found himself totally winded. His ego was dented as she went for his rallies; and he could not rally after that exchange. Perhaps not even the most popular person in his own house, Trump was finding that this was a contest seriously running away from him in the mid rounds.

Between rounds, nobody in his corner seemed to have anything serious to say to back him up and so he went all in for the rest of the fight. His head was gone, though nobody was sure if it had ever had a brain within it to help him…

Round Five

Then we got the highlight of the fight night – Trump’s menu choice. Trump went for the raining cats and dogs options as he laid claims to fanciful notions which were totally false and despite again an intervention by the referee he held his claims to be true. Harris escaped every blow thrown and left the round with contempt on her face as she knew the victory lap was in sight. There was no need to showboat or do any windmill like movement as Trump was now on the ropes and defenseless; Hannibal Lecter was not going to save him now. Social media blew up and called for an end to the travesty – mercy was called for as the weird uncle vibe was invoked to suggest Trump was now in an unequal contest in a battle of wits, he was clearly unarmed.

Round Six

But it went on, as Harris hit him about his whining over the last bout with Biden. Trump was clearly having problems with reality. Then on foreign policy, Trump continued to struggle with the idea that people might not listen to him – claiming war never broke out when he was the champion, and he would stop war if he had continued to be in power. Harris pointed out that his team included people who waged those wars and treated him like a prize poodle.

As the bell sounded for the second half of the fight, there were people who fact checked the whole thing and found the Trump strategy was the same as it had been in 2016, and in 2020. The man is deluded and lies.

Round Seven

Trump went in hard on crime – it’s down not up.

Round Eight

Trump claimed abortions take place in the ninth month of pregnancy and beyond – 1% due to medical emergencies do and infanticide is illegal in the US – not that Trump likes a law…

Round Nine…

Trump denied knowing anything about Project 25 – almost everyone who wrote it worked for him and almost every one of its ideas is an idea in the Trump campaign.

Round Ten

Trump claimed immigrants are taking over towns, not just eating their way through them – most immigrants have arrived legally… again Trump does not like the law much.

Round Eleven

Trump claimed that the 2020 election was stolen and that no judges looked at lawsuits he and allies filed about irregularities in the election – no lawsuits won anything and there were many, but you know criminals and the law…

Round Twelve

Trump defended the convictions of the Central Park Five as they confessed and had called for their execution as he apparently claimed at the time that the victim had died – they pleaded not guilty, were exonerated after the murderer came forward, and put the record straight and the victim survived – felons tend to struggle with the truth…

In the post-match press conference, Trump arrived to claim victory and quoted polls to support him. Unfortunately, they were the polls of his nearest and dearest friends who struggled to see straight. Everyone with more than one brain cell called for another rematch to see if the knockout blow Harris could not quite land would be delivered next time. The people within the industry calling for it may have found a mean streak as it was clear that Trump was not in a great place for another fight.

Having claimed he won and that he wanted to do it again, Trump then ruled it out in the days thereafter calling the referees unfair. Some unhinged people suggested that Trump was fighting more than just Harris in that ring… the rest of us could see what was happening, but the public will get their opportunity in November to deliver that knockout blow.

And we know that the world is watching…

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