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Q&A with Accomplished Actress Anne-Marie Johnson

Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen
Photo courtesy of Anne-Marie Johnson

Anne-Marie Johnson is an American actress best known for her roles in “What’s Happening Now?” and “In The Heat of The Night”. She just finished starring in her husband’s Martin Grey written, co-produced and directed indie film “The Addiction of Hope”, which she also co-produced. She is in the early stages of creating a non scripted series about crime and in the very early stages of producing a feature based on the true life of the first African American police officer in Los Angeles, in 1896.

KB: Did you always want to be an actress growing up and who were your idols?

Yes, I always did. I can recall it became a determination of mine by the 1st grade.

My main idols when I was quite young were Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball. As I became more educated and involved, additional idols were/are Bette Davis, Kay Francis, Spencer Tracy, Olivia de Havilland, Anne Dvorak, William Powell, Billy Wilder, William Wellman, William Wyler, Sidney Poitier, Juanita Moore,….. so many others. Most of the actors, directors, etc… I truly admire are from the studio days. There are so few I admire in the 21st century. Anthony Hopkins, Delroy Lindo, Raven Simone, Howard Rollins… but the list is very short.

KB: How did you get the part in What’s Happening Now! ?

I auditioned for the role. Along with a ton of other actresses. One of the most enjoyable sitcoms I was fortunate to be a part of.

KB: You played Althea Tibbs on the show “In The Heat of the Night”. How was it working with the late Howard Rollins?

Great working experience. Howard was without the doubt one of the best actors of his time. We really got along and shared a few good laughs despite the challenging and often sad scenes we were performing.

KB: You sing too. What would an album with 7 of your most favorite songs look like? Which songs would you pick and why?

Great question. Never been asked this before.

Willie Nelson’s “Crazy”, Bobby Caldwell’s “What You Would Do For Love”, Foreigner’s, “I Want To Know What Love Is”, Bruce Hornsby’s “The Way It Is”, “Reckless Love Of God”, SOS Band “You’re The Finest”, and “Death Was Arrested.” (and one more, “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me.”)

KB: Are there people out there you would love to collaborate with or people you wished you had and why?

There are so many I can’t really choose 1 or 2. I would have loved to have collaborated with Sidney Poitier, Andre Braugher, Barbara Stanwyck, Clark Gable, Raymond Burr, William Conrad, Ida Lupino, too many to mention and too many reasons why.

KB: You star in a movie and can pick the director and 2 co stars: who would you pick?

If it’s in the present, I just finished starring in my husband’s Martin Grey written, co-produced and directed indie film “The Addiction of Hope” which I also co-produced along with our producing partner David Marroquin. Best working experience I’ve ever had. I’d do it all over again.

If it’s a fantasy question, I’d work with William Wyler or George Stevens director and my two co-stars would be William Powell and Myrna Loy.

KB: What are you currently up to?

I just mentioned by most current and proudest project : “The Addiction of Hope”. I’m also in the early stages of creating a non scripted series about crime and in the very early stages of producing a feature based on the true life of the first African American police officer in Los Angeles, in 1896.

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