RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports

Fox Fixed News Network

By Ana Braga

Have you had a chance to watch the documentary “FROM RUSSIA WITH LEV”? It’s a new documentary produced by Rachel Maddow and NBC. I must be honest, I wasn’t familiar with Lev Parnas and the details of Trump’s first impeachment. How come? You may ask. Because I was barely watching any news, when I did it was Fox & Friends in the morning. Yes, Fox News, because Trump said everything else was fake news. He set the tone from the beginning. In MAGA, you were told over and over that the deep state controlled everything so you had only Fox News to trust to get the real information on politics and etc.

If I wasn’t embarrassed enough for being in MAGA, now I’m even more. It’s crazy how everything was fed to us through Fox News. We were all manipulated and duped. I’m not going to say anything else about the documentary, I would like for everyone to watch it, regardless of party affiliation. With that being said, I see the same unfolding on CNN. Can we ever trust the news and networks again? Are they all motivated by ratings and money? I think we have to take everything with a grain of salt, on both sides.

But make no mistake about it, I’m voting for Kamala Harris and all blue down the ballot. I have learned my lesson and the learning experience still stings. Please talk to people, get folks registered to vote and offer to drive your friends, family and neighbors to the polling station. This election is the most crucial and important election of our time.

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