RingSide Report

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From the Sales Perspective

By Ron Signore

You can never be too sure how something will be interpreted or perceived as someone reads through something. While my passion of being anti-Cheeto is something I hope is clear by my clearly bias outlook, I would hope that the perception of that bias comes from the reality of free thinking. I think our biggest problem today in why we have someone like Pervert Hoover able to hang around in an election is because people do not know who to trust with information. There is a lot out there, and the go to market strategy for the GOP is working with flooding the gates with crap to always keep people on their toes.

One perspective I want to hope is different is offering a slant from the viewpoint of a businessman. One of the first damning attributes to Fat Nixon in my own eyes is beyond ideology and policy, but rather the perception he gives as a leader and business persona. He built up a high profile playboy reputation with the foundation of his real-estate business- that he inherited from his father. Since then, it has been failed business after failed business with his most successful business being anything around the grift he can take advantage of. Most notably, selling red hats to morons seems to be relatively successful.

However, since his rise to the political scene, he has failed to provide the actual evidence of a winner, or someone who is successful. He has more often than not given the impression that he is nothing more than a used car salesman who is desperate for his next sale. It all began with the nonsense around Obama’s birth certificate. The man lost his mind and caught the radical racists ears once we placed a black president. But, even within his own party, he never approached substantive policy stances (outside of immigration, and even that argument is a house of cards for him), but rather personal bully-like attacks. The problem is as obvious as it sounds with him finding ways to deflect how he could resolve an issue but project blame on others. It wreaks of missing intelligence.

With a history of bankruptcy filings for his businesses, including a casino, he had a flare running on what people didn’t know about him beyond his high-profile personality. He banked on people thinking the image of a billionaire running would be able to grow our economy because they believed a successful businessman would be best to do so. The problem is that house of cards wasn’t hard to knock down with just some basic research. His best art of the deal was negotiating bankruptcy deals for his businesses. He has a history of stiffing people who have worked for him in some way or another, but obviously never failed to pay himself. Between the bankruptcies, closures, lawsuits, and other legal filings, anyone can see this man is not the success he projects to be. And if you feel his wealth makes him a success despite stepping on everyone to get there with no regard for the laws that bind us, then you are part of the problem.

In 2015, he campaigned on draining the swamp along the appeal of running as a non-typical politician. He failed. He campaigned on building a wall that Mexico would pay for to help with immigration. He failed. In fact, the influx of undocumented immigrants coming across the border began to increase significantly upon construction starting up on the wall. Empty promises as a salesman/businessman is bad enough, but the lack of accountability for faults, or his clear actions of being a poor loser should be so obvious as to how pathetic he is, yet, his minions bury their heads to the realities of what this man is and support him blindly.

The ongoing excuses and lack of reality to his whining is more than enough evidence to solidify his lack of credibility as a successful leader in any capacity. As a parent, if my kids deny reality in contests that could be determined successful or unsuccessful in their favor and deny accountability to results only to use those excuses as a crutch for life, I will have failed as a parent. It is 2024, and he still denies losing the 2020 election. He debated Joe Biden where the focus was on how Biden performed as opposed to the lack of truth spoken from Chump’s mouth. It didn’t change for the debate against Kamala Harris. What was worse was he went on claiming he won, but also that it was incredibly unfair how he got fact checked and Kamala didn’t. The problem wasn’t that he was lying, to him the problem was that he was fact checked. His ego is so big, yet so fragile, that he cries when it gets damaged. But instead of accountability, he doubles down on how everyone else is bad and wrong.

If that wasn’t enough, a man who has huge support amongst white evangelicals, that went around bragging how he is responsible for overturning Roe V Wade, is now back peddling the line on his abortion stance. He is trying now to be a little more moderate in efforts to gain, or at least not lose support from women throughout the election cycle. The only principle he has stuck with throughout his campaign is his stance on immigration. What I do not think he realizes, nor his sheep of supporters, is that undocumented aliens cannot vote in the general election. Out of fear of getting caught and deported, why would they risk it? There is not going to be an influx of ballots from undocumented aliens. But if he wins, he is promising mass deportations, and camps. Even if you are a single-issue voter with that being the issue, ratio-wise, I doubt it looks much different than it did in 2020.

Since Harris was endorsed by Joe Biden when dropping out of the Presidential Candidacy, Harris has erased the gaps and then some in polls, including swing states and the overall General Election. Yet, in his own world, he claims that he is winning and that it will be a landslide. It will not be a landslide win for Donald Dump barring any unforeseen circumstance that could radically alter the projection of this election. But, day by day, the more senile Dimentia Donny is becoming more and more unhinged. While the stock market hits record highs, his DJT Media company is seeing all-time lows. A stock that reached $72 per share is now trading at under $13 as of 9/24/2024. I have a thought on that. Either he really doesn’t have real money tied into that, because losing that much capital would be horrendous, or he’s looking for an investor to buy shares to buy him out, which would be a decent penny. But I digress. The country isn’t collapsing. Along with a solid stock market, gas is under $3, unemployment is under 4%, inflation is under 3%, and violent crime is down. The fact that people ignore these statistics because they are focused on the price increases at the grocery store are misguided idiots. All of the rises started under and because of Pervert Hoover’s policies. He stands strong on increasing tariffs. That will only hurt the American family. People are too stupid to understand that.

We can all do our part to make sure we never see Dopey Chump run for office again, and spend the rest of his miserable loser life in jail on/by November 5th. Check your voter registration and have a plan to vote to support the BLUE WAVE that is already forming hard and high!

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