RingSide Report

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Donald Trump Peddler of Junk to A Cult of Utter Trash…

By Ron Signore

Seriously, explain to me like I am a victim of the 40 year conservative war on education how our economy and everything can be so bad, yet, it is the perfect time to market a $100,000 piece of crap watch?

Pervert Hoover’s cheap wife was on television, well Fox News, expressing her disdain for the current economic climate and the fact that people are having a hard time buying certain necessities. It doesn’t matter that the stock market is at all time highs, and the travel industry is doing well, she wants you to believe everything sucks. It doesn’t. But, let’s say for a second it did. Does it seem like Fat Nixon is in touch with reality marketing a $100,000 watch at this moment? Literally, tell me you only care about the rich without actually saying it. This grift is so real it is disgusting. Gold watch, sneakers, coins… this is nothing but nonsense.

The funny thing is that a prime portion of his supporters that fall in more rural areas of the country can never afford this- at least logically. I suppose there is someone who supports him that is stupid enough to do something extreme like take out a loan for something like that because they are so brainwashed to think there may be value there. Like DJT stock, that $100,000 watch is probably worth less than $13. There is a more affordable option at $700, but I am sorry, if you are paying $700 for a watch that says his name on it, you are a freaking moron.
If you actually find yourself curious about these watches, you can go to the website “gettrumpwatches.com” and learn all about them. For instance, you may learn that watches may not look exactly like they are illustrated on the website. You will learn all sales are final. There is a warranty, however also a fee to ship the watch back for whatever reason under warranty. While I really had no interest in the watch itself, I did have interest to see where it was actually going to be made. Thinking like a salesman, he mentioned Swedish engineering, but I wouldn’t be shocked to learn if they are actually built in CHYYYYNA. Those are just a couple of ways I can see the conman rolling the old bait and switch.

This man and his family have no shame. They have consistently left a wake of destruction everywhere they have gone in life both directly and indirectly. Lie after lie, then doubling down on lies that his idiot sycophant minions believe have caused harm to our brothers and sisters. A history of not paying his debts, stiffing workers of real American families couldn’t have been more obvious of a lack of care for practice than his notion to encourage and allow for a government shutdown. Furthermore, getting rid of several government employees should Project 2025 become adapted. Shady business dealings with foreign countries with proof, yet he has deflected his crimes upon Joe Biden and family.

If you have not watched “From Russia with Lev” yet on MSNBC, you 100% need to. This documentary shows the lengths of shameless this man and his loyalists are willing to take. Furthermore, it shows how they treat you once you have no worth left to him. The funny thing is I think he banks on doing business with other criminals- like most criminals- because his arrogance can, will, and has leaned on the credibility of those people who speak up. Lev Parnas was a career shyster. Like Fat Nixon, he didn’t grind in a 9-5, he was a hustler that dabbled in and outside of the legal boundaries we have for people. The reality is this man became buddied up with Pervert Hoover through a relationship with now disgraced human being, let alone lawyer or American figure, Rudy Giuliani.

As soon as Parnas was of no use to the Chump team, he was cut off. Why was he of no use any longer? They couldn’t get a crooked investigation open on Hunter Biden and Ukrainian energy company, Burisma to help dispel dirt on the Biden family. All conspiracy theory nonsense. These idiots won’t believe the real life events, they prefer the fantasy of hope the Q and Diaper Donny conspiracy theories present. They allow for internal pandering to what they want, which is anti-democratic.

I am at the point where it is becoming impossible to be in coexistence with these people. At this point in 2024, if you are voting for Fat Pervert Hoover, you are a racist, low iq, transphobe, homophobe, xenophobic and anti-democratic piece of garbage for a person. All the things we fought for through the years, all the freedoms that fighting has provided, this man shits on and they allow it. They have sacrificed all their morals for unintelligent conspiracies with surface level substance. Granted I do understand the top 1% supporting Cheeto Boy. Even if they admit that they are just protecting their money, if they can’t see what that makes them as a person in our country, then they are just as bad. I am done with it. The obsession is sick.

It is 2024. We have data for everything. Data does not lie. We have specialists for everything. Specialists give insights on that data. It can be spun, but only the low iq get spun with it. Fear and paranoia that non-Americans will steal what Americans have been their only game, and the bigots have bought it hook, line, and sinker. It is time for people to stop the erosion of intelligence in our country and stop the disgusting piece of garbage this family is from ruining our country any further. We have a chance to send Fat Nixon to jail if we all do our part on or by November 5th.

Let’s go. Vote Blue.

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