The Florida mother that was acquitted of killing her 2 year old daughter, Caylee, was sentenced to four years in prison and fined more than four thousand dollars for lying to the authorities but she will be out on the streets shortly with credit for time served.
On July 17th, Casey will return to her normal life, as normal as it can be. Judge Belvin Perry gave Anthony credit for time served, releasing her nearly three years to the day that Caylee was first reported missing.
As the sentence was imposed, opponents of the verdict gathered and once again voiced their disgust, some even chanting “murderer.” Anthony was found innocent by our system and now she should be able to avoid this nonsense and carry on. I doubt that it will happen.
The location where the body of young Caylee was found now is the home to a large memorial with stuffed animals and balloons, a tribute to the little girl that left this world far too soon. Let’s hope that justice was really served and that the loss of a child was due to an accident and not a violent murder.