RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports


By Ana Braga

How about some tea? Figuratively not literally, so let me go ahead and spill the tea for my dear readers.

For those who don’t know, I was in MAGA, I am so fortunate to have escaped the cult. With that being said, I know who MAGA is, they aren’t united. Matter of fact, most of MAGA don’t get along, that’s why they keep posting “United We Stand.” They aren’t united, they’re obsessed with Trump, it’s all about who can get famous enough to get Trump’s attention. I remember when Trump used to retweet some of these people, they would even put in their bio “Retweeted by Trump.” I know, it’s very sad and ridiculous and I’m so happy he never retweeted me. The MAGA women love to brag how much hotter they are than liberal women, it’s all about appearances and no substance. They love to brag until another woman in MAGA starts getting a lot of attention, that’s when they must find fault with that woman and, in many cases, the woman ends up doxed and threatened.

I’ve witnessed many get so traumatized and scared they would simply deactivate and quit the platform. In my case, being published in Playboy, caused the MAGA Karen alert to go nuclear. The more photos I posted, the more attacks and threats I got. I’ve witnessed one woman so traumatized by the doxing and attacks, she quit the platform to turn only around and ask her attackers for forgiveness and permission to use the platform. I was baffled and shocked, it’s crazy these people claim to be kind and Christian yet to cause that level of trauma onto someone. I have seen a lot in MAGA, most don’t get along and turn on each other. They’re just like Trump, that’s why they put up with all this poison.

For instance, look at JD Vance, he said horrible things about Trump. Even if he said the truth, as we most agree, Trump chose to not only forgive him but to ask him to be his Vice President pick.

I’m sorry, for anyone who bashed me privately or publicly, no, I’m not taking you back. Trump and all these bad people in MAGA, have no self respect, that’s why they put up with the abuse. Let’s not kid ourselves, Trump has no self respect and no respect for anyone else.

MAGA is a cult of bitterness, poison and division. I’m in a better and happier place in my life for leaving MAGA. Most of the problems I had on Twitter, wasn’t attacks from liberals, they were the attacks from MAGA. I was told to ignore and forgive because we are stronger together. No! I’ll never bow down and unite with people who disrespected me, I put them in their place and left. There are good people trapped in MAGA afraid to leave, they’re afraid they’ll get attacked, doxed and harmed. I hope they’re reading this and realize they can go into that voting booth and vote for Kamala Harris. No one will know who you’re voting for, stay safe and do what’s right. Your vote is your voice brothers and sisters.

Stay tuned for the next MAGA Tea episode.

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