RingSide Report

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A Campaign By One Side (Trump MAGA Party) That Is Unhealthy!

By Ron Signore

This election is unhealthy. Specifically, as I reflect, it is mentally unhealthy. The toll of the in’s and out’s of this election are taking a toll on me.

Four years ago, I started with Ringsidereport.com because I found it to be therapeutic to get my thoughts down on what I was experiencing in the everyday world as politics clashed with our communities. Today, this is the only platform I find joy in anymore. It isn’t because I have the freedom of speech to blast the nonsense I see and hear daily unopposed. Honestly, I would love to have more of a platform where there is some back and forth, like a podcast or chat site. The hard part is that I am no longer interested, though I am not sure I ever was interested, in dealing with the nonsense.

If this election, or the culture around politics, was around ideology, I would LOVE those discussions. Politics is not that anymore. It is a dichotomy between wanting to be pandered to no matter the bull that is vomited from people’s mouths, half or completely untrue fabrications of reality, or flat-out conspiracy theories. We are spending more time debunking the Bannon-esk strategy of flooding the gates with BS, rather than helping educate the masses.

The reality continues to be a lack of education amongst the masses, predominantly driven by greed, paranoia, and flat-out egotistical selfishness. I admit, I am battling hate with hate. People want to call me a ‘libtard’ or bogus names like that, my response after pointing out how wrong they are on the issue or subject matter, resorts to basically letting them know how low of iq they have. This is why I stepped back from Twitter and other social media platforms, it just wasn’t productive.

I spend my work life convincing people with fact to make decisions that should better their situation. Some of these same people believe data and fact when it comes to their businesses, but when it comes to what they obviously do not understand with how our government and laws work, they throw that out the window. They will believe the made-up nonsense because they want to. Facts do not matter in this arena to them. It really has become mentally unhealthy continuing to waste breath talking to a wall or sheep who have their heads up their own asses. We have allowed the development of replicating Nazi Germany, and it is unacceptable.

I am tired of having to be the bigger person. I am tired of the left having to be the adults in the room. I am tired of the hypocrisy from the right. I don’t like hypocrisy from the left either, but I have also come to realize that there is more free thinking on the left to where if we know something is wrong, were making our realities based on facts and proof, and not digging in our heals after something has been debunked.

This type of dichotomy has put our country into a world of hurt. We aren’t united. Even our states are not united. The interpretation of united is even debate-able at this point in time. Were no longer all aligned in the same universal ideologies against fascism. We have one party agenda where half the country doesn’t care about the other half, where the other party has a universal agenda that stays clear of religion or discrimination. We have allowed such an extremism to controlling people that the people being controlling socially are those who cry they are being controlled. It is absolute nonsense. Freedom doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone in this country. You can be religious as long as that religion is Christianity based. You can marry who you want, as long as it’s a member of the other sex. You have to hate undocumented people, unless you marry them. It just keeps going.

There used to be a line of ideological differences where despite a different view, there was still a notion to work together and make this country the best it can be. What we see now is a disgrace. Even with bias towards the left leaning agenda, I have yet to see a desire to not approach governing in a way that considers everyone. People may not like it, but, even with something as simple as releasing federal relief for storm victims, there is no stories that Biden wanted to verify the amount of votes he got before he released those funds. It is because it doesn’t matter. US communities need disaster relief, not democrat cities, not republican cities, but US communities as a whole.

Yet the arguments of nonsense come out from the right on how this administration is screwing the US communities with what they can provide when it’s the MAGA led house that has misbudgeted funds the past two years- likely because they do not believe in climate change, so weather related disasters are not important. Or like how they take credit for things this administration has passed with bipartisan efforts in constituency areas where certain MAGAts voted against such measures. It’s a total farse. Anything to stay with the party agenda line of messaging in making people believe things are terrible here.

It is already predictable to understand what will happen if Cheeto Boy gets elected in November…everything will tank, costs will rise, and he will blame the administration from the past four years. Not how much he added to the national debt. Not how much tariffs will pass through to the American consumer. Nothing will ever be his fault in his world. Never have I witnessed someone in such a position that they cheer for bad things to happen in hopes it plays in their favor. That isn’t American. Someone who cannot be held accountable is not a leader. Biden may have been up there in age, and I won’t even deny he looked aged a bit, but I would never call him senile, unintelligent, or anything that would be considerably closed to the unhinged dementia we are seeing from the GOP nominee right now.

I believe where there is smoke, there is fire. There is a lot of smoke on the right, all the way to the top, and people deny the existence of that fire. It is unhealthy for our country. It is unhealthy for our communities. It is unhealthy for you. It is unhealthy for me. We need to step it up somewhere so that we flush the Orange Turd once and for all.

Vote Blue.

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