RingSide Report

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C’mon Man: A Look At Some In Our Society…

By Ron Signore

What you will continue to read may or may not involve any political connections, though, I tend to find a way to associate politics with everyone and everything. But this is not your normal rant on how despicable the right can be or is. This is, however, a rant on how ridiculous some people are in the real world.

My life has me travelling a lot. Between work, kids soccer, umpiring, and just leisure, I find myself on the road a significant portion of the year. I see all walks of life where socio-economic factors aren’t the stereotypical defining characteristic to the dichotomy of my observations. I like to pride myself on actually applying MLK’s vision of his “I have a dream,” speech where my judgements come from the content of character or actions as opposed to a general discriminating factor.

While it is very common to associate behaviors with political affiliations, one area that does not get discriminated against necessarily on politics is class and etiquette. We certainly see our fair share of idiocy and ignorance with those right leaning misinformed and uneducated people, some things just bypass politics in general.

Some of the most inconsiderate people I have experienced in my lifetime are travelers. I literally wonder at times if people were raised by humans. Travelling can be one of the most tense activities in someone’s life. Many travel with this notion that they are the only ones who matter. That the world should bend for them. While there is a balance between patience and being in a rush, it seems like many cannot balance that line at all, and some of it is due to self-accountability.

Specifically with flying, airports and airlines provide you with the courtesy, though it is obligatory, of outlining basic rules of what can travel and what cannot. They even go more in depth with how much by weight, along with the considerable recommendation on how long prior to departure someone should arrive to the airport to make their flight on time given all the steps of the process that need to be completed prior to getting to the gate. People either seem to have no accountability to read and understand things, or just do not care. I am not sure which it is, but their actions or inaction of preparation cause a ripple effect to other travelers.

For instance, if people just read what can travel or how much can travel, they can improve the process at check in so other’s do not get delayed. Showing up with a suitcase that weighs over the required 50 pounds, then sitting at the counter arguing about an overweight fee or wasting time trying to repack at the counter is just ridiculous. Same with security. It is not difficult to follow instructions on what can go through security, including carry on luggage sizes and materials. Holding up the line at security, an already tense environment for most, is significantly avoidable.

Accidents happen and things get screened by security. I have no problem with that, in fact, I have been guilty of forgetting I had a water bottle in my bag and got flagged for the bag to get searched. The difference in etiquette and class, which I am not trying to brag or make it seem like I am better than anybody, is how you handle it. TSA has a job to do. It doesn’t matter if we think they are ridiculous for adhering to the rules or if we think the rules are ridiculous. Standing there arguing and harassing TSA whether it is you or a situation with someone in front of you is ridiculous. Rules apply to us all. You are not special. Your inability to plan or adhere to rules does not allow you to get a pass. It does not allow you the right to delay the rest of us while you figure your life out.

Boarding becomes ridiculous as well. Depending on the airline, how and when you get on the plane is different. For example, Southwest for the near future will continue to do group boarding by number. The line up method by group and number always finds someone trying to cut the line, usually by sneaking a passenger with a ‘C’ group designation into ‘A’ group. If they do not take a gamble on cutting, you may get the group that likes to get on and save seats for those passengers. One is usually ok, but you will get groups of multiple people saving seats all over. It is absolutely annoying. Is it the fault of the airline process or the people? We can debate that with Southwest, but it is just another way delays get caused. I avoid Southwest as much as I can.

It typically does not matter the airline, how people board with what they carry on, or store in the overhead bins is another inconsiderate time waster. You get one carry on bag and one item. Do not throw your bag in the overhead bin near your seat and put your personal item underneath the seat in front of you. Do not be that person who has a seat in the back of the plane and throw your bag in the closest bin to the front of the plane. Do not be that person who throws your bag, personal item, jacket, and purchased airport items in the bin. And they will make it worse by arguing with instruction from the flight attendants on every little detail when they try and do their job to adhere to the process or rules.

If some of these things weren’t frustrating enough, then we have the actual travel portion of the flight. Some people are animals. They take their shoes off, and even worse, sometimes without socks on, and put their feet everywhere. Just gross. Some pick their toes, too. Already nauseated by things like this, people also have no consideration for being crammed into an incubator for germs. People cough, sneeze, et all without even so much as a courtesy to cover their mouth. You are already in a cramped space, if you are sick, at least try and show consideration to not spread whatever you are carrying.

By the time the plane lands, stupidity levels sometimes spike. I have been on two flights in the past two weeks where people cannot hold their liquid. It isn’t always liquor. These two flights caused delays in arrival and messed up connections for several people because delays in taxiing to the gate gave people the impression that because the plane is on the ground they were allowed to get up and go to the bathroom. The plane cannot progress if you are not in your seat in this situation. You had a two hour flight, if you have to go, go before we land. Quit screwing the rest of us. Then, by the time we get to the gate, you have people who will literally try and rush off the plane. Some because of said connections, in which case, with delays, there is a courtesy to allow those with tight connections to deplane first. But when that isn’t the case, many will disrupt the natural flow of getting off the plane. Standard etiquette is row by row, whether it’s the left side or right side first, row one, then row two, in the same order of left, right, left…etc. Unless it’s the former situation or someone is sitting down acknowledging you to go ahead, follow the damn process. Don’t be the person in row 20 trying to deplane ahead of row 10. If you know you have a tight connection when booking, book accordingly.

Your inability to plan ahead does not give you the right to be a tool. Inconsideration for others is a global theme, but it is somehow worse when travelling. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad if people were polite and upfront, but they act like children who think they’re entitled to something better than the rest of us. While it sucks being on a flight with a crying baby, it happens.

Kids and emotions are one thing. Adults and entitlement is a completely different subject. If you are guilty of these things, here is your ability to realize we identify you as a jerk. You may as well be draped in MAGA crap in my eyes. That is how much of a tool you look like. C’mon, you didn’t think I would miss a shot to insult those morons did you?

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