RingSide Report

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Bill Clinton Brings the Charisma In Final Weeks of Campaigning for VP Harris in Presidential Bid

Former President Bill Clinton Speaks to Las Vegas constituents 

Live Coverage by Ana Braga

Tuesday night I had the privilege to attend a private event where Bill Clinton was the main speaker. It was my very first time seeing Bill Clinton live, it was a small venue with mostly members of the North Las Vegas community and the press. This past weekend alone, democratic volunteers knocked on one hundred thousand doors! I am impressed by the DNC ground game, I always heard how well organized they were but one hundred thousand doors in 2 days? That’s pretty impressive.

Bill Clinton didn’t use a teleprompter and didn’t read from a folder either. I just read he’s the same age as Trump? WOW he sure looks younger and in better shape too. He made a lot of valid points, what I took away from his speech was, when you talk to undecided voters or Trump supporters, don’t get mad, just lay out your case with facts and compassion. He’s right, that’s how I was able to convince friends and family to vote blue. There’s still time to reach out to folks and make the case for Kamala.

Another speaker I enjoyed listening was Pastor Kelcey West, he was so charismatic and got the crowd going. It was important to keep the volunteers’ excitement going towards the last stretch towards the election.

I just saw so much kindness and joy in that crowd, folks are truly excited to elect the first woman president!


RSR Reporter Ana Braga

Pastor Kelcey West speaks to the crowd

Harris-Walz Proud voters

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