RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports

Does It Even Really Matter?

By Ron Signore

It is October 25th and the window to election day is closing. As I have mentioned, polls appear to be incredibly close. One major catalyst could impact this election to break it wide open. At least, that is how more precedented elections would have typically wound up. News clips are currently filled with potential mic drop moments that have continued to pass like gas.

The Orange Turd continues to provide flatulence and nonsense that carries a shock value like no other public figure running for our highest office ever. I remember when the slightest gasp moments in some cases dramatically impacted the trend of the popular opinion, even if they were found to be nothing burgers. Look how much Hilary’s emails impacted the election in 2016.
While the media and other outlets, some controlled by foreign interest money, work to nit-pick everything they can against Kamala Harris in attempt to degrade her candidacy, many outlets have scaled back noticeably on what they are providing to the public on Agent Orange. Despite how true, and how horrific some of his extreme nonsense is, Groper Cleveland seems to have some sort of Teflon armor to him that I find inexcusable to allow forgiveness.

In the 10+ years Pervert Hoover has been engrained in the political arena, we have had scandal after scandal. Early on it was Russian Collusion to the 2016 election. We also had the famous recording of locker room talk, as it was so referred, in the “grabbing them by the…” comments. Covid has enough misinformation and downside moments that involved Don Von Shitzenpants that caused unnecessary death and policies that hurt America that we are still feeling. We have had near 100 indictments, with 34 current convictions, proven fraud, and liable for rape and defamation lawsuits that have plagued one man continuously. You can probably pick one of those and feel like that should have been the end of him. But each offense just seems to get worse and worse.

He has called our veterans “losers” and suckers. He has been quoted as saying he wanted generals like Hitler had, and all this while he continues to say the quiet parts out loud that wreak of a fascist regime. He is actively running on a platform that defies our constitution and what America stands for. He has effectively destroyed the Republican Party and what they ultimately stood for. He is a master manipulator, and it pains me to say that it is something he is really good at when you take into account the iq level of the people he panders to.
All week, there have been rumors swirling, which really isn’t new. However, the notion behind this particular potential storm have consistently held the line on the news could be deadly to Chump’s candidacy. In this election, a catalyst like that to move undecided voters could be as little as 1-2% and that would matter in this election. We have seen innocent blunders, at least just key misspoken words that have caused people elections, and not by a small margin, think Dukakis against Bush.

Some of these rumors going around about an October surprise are deplorable. Whispers of inappropriate SA misconduct with a minor at a private donor event, a daughter of one of his biggest donors, provided in video format, seem to be the loudest. But, we have seen this before. There are publicly accessible court documents of this type of activity alongside Jeffrey Epstein. His most loyal supporters refuse to believe it. Cries have somewhat dwindled down on the related Epstein events and alleged list, further digging the heals in on ignoring his very real and inappropriate behavior. Another rumor, which would help build upon that, is that Ghislane Maxwell is about to publicly address the facts of Pervert Hoover’s involvement in the inappropriate and illegal misconduct and trafficking of minors. It would likely be met with chants of fake news and a deep state conspiracy.

Whatever this rumor ends up being, will it even matter? This conman’s gift is lying. He is a master at deflecting and projecting and his supporters eat it up, swallow it, and drop his hot steaming fecal matter all over wherever their mouths open. It has been claimed that this October surprise has been known by the Chump camp for the last week or so and that the Harris camp has the material of this alleged bombshell. What gives any of this any real merit to me is that social media and talking heads have been working all week to try and get ahead of it.

It is inevitable that there is a damning piece of evidence of something Cheeto Boy did that most sane and moral minds would consider despicable. Everyday there is something else, and while whatever this rumor is may be just as, if not more, deplorable than the rest of the facts that surround the horrible human being that he is, he will continue with his tactics from his playbook that denies any wrongdoing. I always get my hopes up considering his disgusting actions or words in these types of scandals will be the last one that matters. But after so many times of crushing those hopes, he also seems to gain popularity and strength in his position to this election.

Forget ideology. We can always discuss how his economic policies would help or hurt our country. We can always discuss how we view the border platform, or foreign policy and what direction we feel is best for our country to move forward. That isn’t the case and hasn’t been for a while. We are literally in a moment in time that is unprecedented. While I believe that word gets tossed around far too much, it is a reality. One or maybe even two allegations of someone in a high profile view of the public eye, I have zero issue with not overreacting and condemning someone without all the facts. Look how the Johnny Depp situation turned out. Many rushed to judgement, and it could have crippled him professionally. But with Bunker Boy, where there is smoke, there is fire. And it isn’t even as if he denies the things he has done or said, but rather that he had a right to do or say those things. Bad surrounds him, and we as a nation have allowed for it too much.

I am not going to get my hopes up, but I will hope that it does matter. Vote Blue.

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