Take Care of Yourself
By Sharon Synowsky
We have all been hearing this, especially in the past 2 months. “Unplug, enjoy the holidays, take care of yourself.” Being in the middle of 2 moves (home and office), I have not had the opportunity to take care of myself. I have unplugged (relatively speaking – no MSM, fewer podcasts, nothing other than streaming old NCIS on the weekends…)
But between setting up house AND office, doing my job (governmental research, hence not completely unplugging), the holidays and the 4th anniversary of my Dad’s death coming up on 1/9, relaxation has been difficult to attain without a few snifters of bourbon or glasses of wine since November 5.
Then, this morning, I looked at all of the home spa items I received for Christmas. And ?i thought to myself, “Who made the rule that you can’t use these products until your bedroom (last part of the new home that needs to be squared away) is squared away?”
So, I took a long, hot, relaxing bath.
I masked my hair, face, eyes and feet.
I put lotion on my face and body.
I wrote.
I moved things around in my room.
I thought about my Dad. And my Tim.
I cried – sad tears, yes, but happy tears too. Happy because, to paraphrase Dr. Seuss, while I’m sad [they’re] over, I’m happy they happened.
I smell good, my skin is soft, my hair isn’t frizzy…
…and best of all, I am truly relaxed and recharging.
So, find what will relax you – then DO IT!
Unplug, unwind, relax and recharge.
Because in 10 days, we cannot be exhausted. We need to be ready to raise our voices. We got rid of Matt Gaetz – we still have power.
But ONLY if we unplug, unwind, relax and reset.
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