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Q&A with Musician & Songwriter Jim Peterik

Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen
Photos courtesy of Jim Peterik and Kristie Schram

Jim Peterik is an American musician and songwriter. He is best known as the founder of rock band Survivor. He also is the singer and guitarist in The Ides of March. Jim co-wrote the monster hit “Eye of the Tiger“: the theme from the movie “Rocky III”. He is soon to release an album of all duets with some of the greatest singers in rock history. It’s called “The Power of Two”. There is also a new Ides of March album in the planning stage. Check out Jim’s music!

KB: Did you always want to be a musician as a kid?

Thanks for the questions and your interest in my career!! Yes, music was always my passion. My mother wanted me to be a doctor and when I was very young, she kept trying to tempt me telling me about the metal box I’d have to keep shoving money in after a patient would leave. But I’d have none of it. I finally said, “Let me be what I wanna be- Okay?”. She finally got the message. My sisters taught me chords on the ukulele when I was 5 years old, and I grew from there!

KB: Who were your musical heroes growing up?

Elvis Presley was my first hero. When I saw him rocking on the Ed Sullivan Show with his great band I was mesmerized.

KB: You founded the Rock band Survivor. Did you have a vision where the path would lead the band?

Survivor sprang from the Jim Peterik Band- same members. Our vision was to follow the mainstream commercial rock path of groups like Foreigner and Kansas but give our own unique spin to it.

KB: You co-wrote the hit song “The Eye of the Tiger” which became the theme song for Rocky III. Did you expect it to be such a huge success worldwide?

To be honest I for one knew it would be a giant hit because it’s use in Rocky 3, but I had no idea that it would still be motivating and reverberating in people in the year 2025 and beyond!

KB: If you could make an album with 7 of your most favorite songs (not your own): Which songs would you pick en why?

Wow. So many.

“Good Vibrations” and “God Only Knows” by The Beach Boys.
“She Loves You” by the Beatles.
“What The World Needs Now”- one of Bacharach and David’s masterpieces.
“Feels Like the First Time” by Foreigner.
“Jailhouse Rock” by Elvis Presley.

KB: Are there any artists you would love to collaborate with, or you wished you had?

So many for instance John Lennon, Paul Simon and Burt Bacharach.

KB: What are you currently up to? I read you are the guitarist for The Ides of March?

The Ides of March just celebrated our 60th anniversary with the original 4 members: yours truly- Jim Peterik, Larry Millas, Bob Bergland and Mike Borch. Our keyboardist Scott May is the newbie of the band with us now for 34 years! As for me I am soon to release an album of all duets with some of the greatest singers in rock history. It’s called “The Power of Two”. There is also a new Ides of March album in the planning stage. The hits just keep on coming as they say. Thanks so much for your interest in my musical career! Rock on !! Jim

Check out Jim’s website: HERE

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