HACKERS Plan to DESTROY FACEBOOK: the Inside Story
There is a hacking group that doesn’t “like” Facebook. Was it the countless images of people with their pets, the pictures of rotund men in skin tight shirts attempting to pick up women, or perhaps it’s just a group of people that nobody would befriend on the site, but whatever the case, this group of hackers want to “kill” Facebook and have created a Youtube video to make the announcement: “Your medium of communication you all so dearly adore will be destroyed.”
They claimed that the social network is in cahoots with the government and is gladly giving over information and ending privacy, and they may have a point, but there will be plenty of people out there upset if they achieve their goal. In fact, RSR World chimed in while I was typing this with their thoughts.
“I don’t understand it at all. It’s sort of like a creepy nightmare. As for the Facebook hack, if I were you, brother, I would write an editorial explaining who you are and why the hack attack wasn’t for you. Oh and by the way, God bless you! Bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you!” — Agenda Man
“AHHAHHHAAAAHHAAAAA… hack facebook? lmao, Facebook and I are on very good terms you @#$@% A-HOLE lmao. My FB friends and I have never had a crossed word either. I’ll be sure to call the hackers first thing in the morning, and tell him all about this guy that wants to hack and that feels compelled to email me and attack Facebook when I have done nothing to you. I quit Tweeting because they PAY NOTHING you fool, so have fun acting for nothing at Twitter. I went back to Facebook because they made me a nice paid offer….lol You are so full of hate its comical. It really is, wow you may be the worst hater that I have ever encountered. Yea, no doubt about it, I’ll be calling the hackers in the morning, I’ll be sure to put in a good word for you…LMAO” – “PIGMAN” Henderbender III
“Listen you sick son of a hacker. Who the hell do you think you are? Who the @#$@#$ asked you to send a hacker to my facebook? I tell you what, I have gotten in touch with the so called hacking group which you falsely claim to represent and they have notified me that you do not work there and are falsely using their stationary, which is a felony. Now, I will turn over your e-mail address to the police and have them trace the origins of your computer to find who you are. If you post that comment using my name, I will get in touch with the FBI, because my friend you will be subject to mail fraud even if it’s by e-mail. So, do me a favor and stick your facebook account up your ass.” – Martin Imposter