Casey Anthony Vs Nancy Grace: A FACE TO FACE – An End to the Obsession
I haven’t watched the Nancy Grace show on HLN in a while, and she has tunnel vision without question, but it makes all the sense in the world. Casey Anthony equals ratings. There is nobody out there that the public loves to hate more than the “Tot Mom” and the ringleader of the lynch mob is the charismatic and aggressive Nancy Grace, and she does a good job at showing her opinion in a very convincing way.
With Anthony now forced to go on probation for one year, which includes drug and alcohol testing and she must also look for a job. Grace continued to talk about how Casey killed her two year old daughter, mixing in images of Anthony maniacally smiling at just the right moments. It’s amazing what you can do with editing.
Grace has grown in popularity since the Anthony trial, and Anthony being infamous won’t be hard on her pocket book. As public enemy #1 and with this huge amount of attention from the case, the networks are already making pitches to capitalize on it.
The most attractive interview would be a face to face with Nancy Grace. There have been whispers about this potential showdown and when I posted my last article speaking of this potential PPV featuring a no holds barred interview, the reaction from our readers was amazing. They all seemed to really like the idea of the pit bull (Grace) going after the Tot Mom. Considering the fact that Casey never took the stand, the demand for her to speak is very high and the public is eager to see it.
Anthony, on probation, will remain in Florida and she will remain in hiding, sifting through offers and will make a decision. She will go where the money is.