Casey Anthony: Appealing Probation, Nancy Grace & DEATH THREATS CONTINUE
The attorneys of Casey Anthony plan to appeal the order where she must serve one year of supervised probation for the check fraud conviction. Her lead attorney confirmed that they will proceed with this today.
Judge Belvin Perry, JR., ruled on Friday that Casey would have to report to a state department of corrections facility in Orlando no later than noon on August 26th. The felony check fraud conviction stemmed from when she stole a checkbook from a good friend and forged five checks, equaling the amount of $644.25.
Anthony has been in hiding since being found not guilty in the murder case of her 2 year old daughter Caylee, and with good reason. She has been voted the “most hated person in America” by several polls, has been getting countless death threats, and has seen cases where people that look like her are beaten by fanatics. Her life is constantly in jeopardy due to the certainty that many have of her guilt.
Nancy Grace is still beating the drum on her show, looking for the “Tot Mom” to receive some sort of punishment. Grace has been the biggest voice against Casey and has a huge following of fans and fanatics.
Casey Anthony will most likely be serving the probation, but she will remain in hiding, and she will be making some money. There are plenty of networks eager to speak with her and they all have deep pockets. She will get rich off her infamy.