Casey Anthony is rumored to be developing a book concerning her life and times, from her traumatic childhood to the disappearance of her daughter and the trial that followed. Jose Baez, her attorney has publicly denied this, but there is enough evidence to assume that this is something that has been either considered or is in the works. According to reports, a ghostwriter has already been chosen for the project.
Love her or hate her, the Casey Anthony story is one that interests most. The American public was brought into her life through television, and we watched as the story developed. We were there for the beginning, middle, and end, and now a new chapter in her life has begun.
Casey will make money, one way or another. She will make millions of dollars through one endeavor or another, and a book deal is a way to go, especially with the book eventually turning into a movie deal. The sky is the limit right now for Anthony, and she will make a ton of money, and the sad part, which many will point to, is that she will have made it because she killed her daughter, if you believe her to be truly guilty.
The jury found her “not guilty” though and now it’s time to cash in. Don’t believe anything that Baez says. The book deal is most likely in the works and they just want to keep a lid on it at the current time.