Deryl Dedmon, 18 years old, is charged with murder. He is accused of killing James Craig Anderson, a black man, in Jackson, Mississippi. It is believed that he was the driver of a pick up truck that ran over Anderson and caused his death.
The DA’s office is currently investigation other charges against other teens that may have been involved. As of today, no other teens have been charged in this matter. This crime is being treated as a “hate crime.”
John Aaron Rice, the alleged passenger in Dedmon’s vehicle, stated that he had no idea of any plan to attack a black man at random, a charge that both teens were accused of. Dedmon was reportedly robbed by a black man weeks before this incident and apparently wanted revenge and that is why he did this terrible act.
Mississippi is one of those states known for terrible racism and when it was stated that Dedmon bragged about running that “n****r over,” it became national news and rightfully so. This is the sort of crime that you don’t hear much of nowadays, but when you do, it is proof that there is still a problem with society and that as long as there are humans walking the planet, there will be racism and acts of hatred as we have here. Let’s hope that the justice system works correctly here.