Casey Anthony, the infamous “Tot Mom” has been struggling to get out of the court ordered probation for her 2010 conviction for check fraud. Her lawyers have stated the case well and made a very valid point that Casey will not be safe in Florida due to the amount of attention that the Caylee Anthony first degree murder case received.
As most of the world knows, Casey was found “Not Guilty” in the case, which created a public uproar. There was a level of certainty from the public, and the flame was fanned by Nancy Grace and her coverage of the case. The verdict left many feeling empty. They wanted her head and they still do.
She will remain in Florida but she will be in hiding. She will be living in a place that will remain secret to protect her and probation officials that may encounter personal harm by association.
Anthony has been contending with continual death threats and is in serious danger should her position be revealed. This is why her lawyers were trying to remove her from Florida, where the tension seems to be at its peak.
The probation was specified today. She must report no later than the fifth day of each month to her probation officer. She will be required to pay 20 dollars per month toward the cost of her supervision. She agreed to warrantless searches and drug screenings and will not be allowed to consume alcohol in excess.
It’s a small victory for those that want Casey punished, and she will remain in Florida for the year, under the radar and away from the public.