Barack Obama THE ANTICHRIST – Gays in the Military Infuriates Heckler
At an LA fundraiser, President Barack Obama took the stage and the topic of gays in the military arose, and how Obama removed the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, prompting a religious nut to scream and call him “the antichrist.”
The heckler also rambled about Jesus being the son of God, and all of the other typical nonsense that religious nuts say, eventually prompting security to drag the man away. The crowd erupted with a “four more years” chant, but it was a window into the world of those that believe in a God and an antichrist.
There are a lot of people that claim that Obama is the antichrist as they did with Ronald Reagan and many others. It’s rather absurd to believe in an invisible man in the sky that watches everything that you do, but at least these people can be entertaining with their foolishness. Obama, to his credit, laughed it off and made a few comments that amused the crowd.