RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports


By Cupcake Killer

Many have wondered aloud, in the confines of their soul, just where the Cupcake Killer has been. In the outer dimensions of the unexplored vortex is where I have found my recent home, but thanks to an invite from Vinnie Mac, I have found my way back to the WWE. No, my wrestling career is over my friends, but those that seek advice can certainly follow the trail of cupcakes.

You can frost a cupcake with beautiful colors, sprinkle it with rainbow goodness and present it to adoring children, but if the cake isn’t good, they will spit it out onto the floor, splattering on your new shoes that you were given for your birthday by the girl of your dreams.

John Cena is that cupcake. At RAW on Monday, he contended that he didn’t care if he as booed or cheered, but he cares deeply about it. The fact that those words escaped his mouth says a great deal. Cena is a phony…he is not meant, nor is he, a face. He is a heel and when put against a force like The Rock, my friend, Dwayne Johnson, it becomes clear like the crystals on the lunar bases.

He says “You can’t see me,” and I will respond with a resounding “yes I can.” I see you quite clearly Mr. Cena and the fans do as well. That is why they cheered for the “heel” Kane. He was the lesser of two evils. Kane can hide behind his mask, but he is a teddy bear in reality. What are you Cena? What are you?

Egos and selfishness are part of the game and Cena is only playing by the rules, BUT humanity and a soul is at stake. If you remember my last match against SD Jones in 1986, you will remember my speech when I was done, noting my departure from the sport. The love was gone and it was due to grapplers like Cena. The Rock has exposed the fraud and will head into Wrestlemania 28 with the fans behind him 100%. Make that 100% and a cupcake.

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