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5th Annual Chicago Boxers Reunion Set for September 6, 2019 – Boxing News


“Life After Boxing” Come reconnect with fighters, officials, referees, trainers, and fans from the past, and Chicago’s New rising Stars at the “5th Annual Chicago Boxers Reunion”. Again this year at Clarence Griffin’s Windy City Boxing Club 2150 Canalport Ave Chicago, Ill 60608 . Showtime Boxing’s Al Bernstein was part of last years reunion.Thru the years we’ve had notable guest that attends such as Olympians: Nate Jones, Danell Doc Nicholson, Sugar Ray Seales,.. And World Champs : Montell Griffin, LeeRoy Murphy, Oliver McCall, Alfonzo Ratliff, David Diaz to name a few.

This being our 5th Official year of the Chicago Boxers Reunion. You don’t want to miss this event, “Life After Boxing” educating the next generation on their future after Boxing, guest speakers from all over. Special honors to Lisa Mcclellan and Yvonne Benitez for the commitment to they’re World Champ brother’s Gerald and Wilfred. Guest speakers Jack Johnson’s great niece Linda E Bell Haywood and Hall of Famer Alan Santana just to name a few. Book signing, music, food and more.

Just a $10 admission for an evening with the Champs at Olympian,World Champ Montell Griffin’s Windy City Boxing Club 2150 S. Canalport Ave Chicago, Ill, doors open at 5:30pm Don’t Forget the Date Fri, September 6, 2019. This event has been on going since 2011 without any sponsors, several donations have helped. Through the years this has grown from a get together to a now highly recognized annual event. My main focus is on Chicago reuniting as a strong force in boxing again, as well as schooling this generation of fighters on a life after boxing.

Every year I look forward to bringing us all together, this year with many more surprises that are planned.